Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated R - Prose


Auteur: Mojca

Status: Complète

Série: City Hunter


Total: 26 chapitres

Publiée: 23-05-05

Mise à jour: 17-06-06


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Résumé: Mick falls for a beautiful and mysterious illustrator... But their love affair is interrupted when he leaves for Japan. He has been comissioned to kill his best friend.


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   Reviews :: A pinch of fate



Total: 60 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: hello Mojca :) All right all right yes you are totally right you are in charge of your story, you are the Boss so i will deal with the sad ending you chosed. i love your fic anyway!:) It is nice and touchy though with such nice lyrics by James Blunt, it is sooooo clever of you to have made up your choice on that song, it suits your fic so well in my opinion :) Well you know what i am going to say right ? I am looking forward to reading your next fiction my dear so take care and hope to read you soon :)



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: Noooo it's the end!!! And what a ending, sad but realistic too. Ryo's doubts have always been present, deeply anchored in his heart and mind, and Kaori knew them... therefore the departure, a pure sacrifice of and for love, as you rightly mentioned, she doesn't want him to 'loose himself' if anything happened to her. The ending is not a complete dead end, who knows, Kaori's last drawing may come to life one day... Mojca, thank you again for this fanfic, I have been following your work in HFC and your website and I've always been impressed with the quality of your writing. Congrats again and I look forward to readind a new story! And please finish the other fanfics! eheh. XXX, C.



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: hi Mojca :) Bou hou only one to go, your fiction is sooo good i wish you would ner end it :( Well at least that dumb Ryo understand she is only his, it was about time :( Well run after you moron ! Hope he will come finally to his senses after reading her notebook ??? looking forward to discovering the epilog of your fic :)



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: hi my dear :) so if i visit our website i am in for more furious and sensaul sex ? well i am on my way then! :) so only one chapter left right ? well i really hope they wil stay together as i think they trully belong together yes, yes he said the words at last! kiss :)



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: Ouah! Back from vacation and what the hell is the last chapter? Very hot here eheh. As I'm a perverted woman, I read the chapter 24 in your website and re-ouah!!! Oxygen please LOL! Simply great, your built perfectly well the tension to reach the summum of desire and frustration and the result is great! Well-done again!! Cheers, C.



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: Hi Mojca :) i can not believe this! The cunning blonde guy would have set those 2 up so that they can sort out their feelings ? How clever of him! :) Well let's just hope that they will make the most of it now but i am confident as she is pushing him hard and he is already admitting he is head over heels in love with her so what's next ? She turns down Mick and sticks with Ryo ?? :) By the way what do you mean minus three ? Are you finishing your fiction in 3 chapters ? So soon ? :( Well i assume you have another very good fiction in store for us so it will help me cope with that sad news. Take care :)



Ville (Pays): Oakland (Usa)


Review: i can't believe I found the right answer!!! damned, why? it is really to have them talk, seriously talk? or is it to shoot Ryô? Gestures are better than words but for Kaori, words do matter so what will be the result of the kiss? the letting-go or the farewell because he just despises himself so much? I wish it is for the better. For me, it will always be Kaori and Ryô for ever ^_^



Ville (Pays): Oakland (Usa)


Review: damned, what is the other possibility??? I'm an idiot? I can't think of anything. ah, may be ... Mick??? what a tension!!! I love the way you describe the way they look at each other.



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: Hello Mojca, aaaaah a new chapter! Excellent as usual. Nice 'chitchat' between Kaori & Reika, very... friendly eheh. But before that, there was 2 sentences that made me laugh: 'Tonight, Saeba Ryo was going to sing like a canary. And he’s going to sing on key!' LOL, excellent comparison! Please update shortly! Cheers, C.



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: Hi MOJCA :) yes a new chapter ! :) Well Reika does not seem to be jealous of Kaori after all, how weird of her ! :( I really thought she was after The ma, but hey i gues i was just plain wrong about it. Nice confrnotation betwwen the girls, i wish i could peep into the notebbokof Kaori just as Reika does, will you let us knwo in your next chapter what is in there precisely ? Please ? Pretty please ? It sounds soo interesting according to Reika's judgement All right iw ill stop here or i will keep on peaising you otherwise ,; kiss :)



Total: 60 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6





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