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Data File

Rated R - Prose


Auteur(s): Mojca

Traducteur(s): marziachan

Status: En cours

Série: City Hunter


Total: 25 chapitres

Publiée: 01-06-07

Mise à jour: 03-09-07


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Résumé: Un piccolo intreccio tra il film con Mel Gibson e la sfida - Kaori può sentire i pensieri di tutti gli uomini.


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   Reviews :: Quello che vogliono gli uomini



Total: 94 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Ville (Pays): Übersee (L'allemagne)


Review: I hope you are planning on continuing the story - cause it's such a great read, it would be a shame to leave it open.



Ville (Pays): Italia (Foggia)


Review: Sebbene sia solamente un piccolo intreccio,trovo assai di mio gradimento la ff che ne sta venendo fuori.Impeccabile il lavoro eseguito,complimenti



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: where is the next chapter ???? please !!! La suite! stiplait!!! I want to know what is going to happen!



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: Dear Mojca I am looking forward for the next chapters of your current fictions, whichever one you choose to post, but do not worry, i tend to become more and more patient ;) Take care Bisous :)



Ville (Pays): Lyon (France)


Review: Bonjour Je viens de relire ce super chapitre. C'est vraiment sympa de voir Kaori pouvoir enfin rentrer dans la tête de son partenaire. Merci et Bonne continuation



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: It has been so long without a chapter!!!! I hope you are doing well...and please if you have some time send us the continuation!!!!!



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: Nice chapter with a comforting and uneasy Umibozu who surprises himself with his fits of tenderness ;-) Hard indeed to comfort a woman on the verges of breaking down! Poor Kaori, it is hard indeed to believe Umi after Ryo's dream when she saw a glimpse of a naked woman in the aftermath of passion provoked by the love of her life. It's a shame she couldn't have a clearer image of that woman, if that was the case, she would have realised that the woman in Ryo's dream was her... anyway, I understand you will be away for some time, please do not forget us and come back with lots of ideas and passion for the next chapters. Keep in touch (email available for you ;-). XX C.



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: hello Mojca :) Well, well, well :) How nice of Umibozu to speak to kaori that way, i could not believe that he would be so sensible :) Hopefully kaori will think about his words and realize that her partner is jealous like hell :) take care:)



Ville (Pays): Londres (Uk)


Review: hello well well well kaori is really a clueless girl she keep sturbonly thinking that he's not in love wih her anyway she is the only one thinking that and she's the one who is complicating their situation bcz lately Ryo was trying 2 be nice 2 her but she keeps rejecting him since she's reading his tought, she needs 2 put herself 2gether and know what she wants.hope to read u soon



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: The “note o self” of umi were excellent! Loved it! But kaori is so stubborn... of course she has a reason to believe so...but still… I am so looking forward to read her conversation with ryo!!! Will she be able to read his mind this time? Not so sure...I guess you will make it more complicated than that! ;-) One more time, thanks for the great work you do with this fic! It is really one of my favourite on HFC!!! :)



Total: 94 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





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