Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated G - Prose


Auteur: macema

Status: Complète

Série: City Hunter


Total: 2 chapitres

Publiée: 07-02-10

Mise à jour: 07-02-10


Commentaires: 0 review

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Résumé: A man is lying dead at the feet of Kaori. Who is he and why is he dead?


Disclaimer: The caracters of "Farewell my friend" are property exclusive of Tsukasa Hojo.


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   Fanfiction :: Farewell my friend


Chapitre 2 :: A friend who left

Publiée: 07-02-10 - Mise à jour: 23-02-10

Commentaires: This story is a translation. The original wrote by Tokra


Chapitre: 1 2


Ryo was decided, he was finally going to declare to Kaori his feelings for her. But he was suddenly interrupted by someone knocking at the door. And to hear how they struck no doubt that it was urgent. And his impression was confirmed when he heard the voice of Saeko screaming.  


- Ryo, Kaori you're in there!  


Ryo was frustrated at having been interrupted by Saeko it had not yet been two hours since he left the Cat's. So what did she had to say that was so urgent. There was only way to find out, regretfully he left the room to go to open to Saeko, Kaori followed him closely. Ryo did not even let the lieutenant Nogami time to get in before addressing her.  


- What do you want Saeko?  


- The case is complicating, it seems that Snake took a partner. A gangster more known under the name of Zephyr. Ryo I would understand if you don’t want to do this mission anymore.  


But instead of answering to Saeko to the surprise of the young women he turned toward his partner.  


- I told Saeko that we would accept this job but if you don’t want to I won‘t have a problem by refusing this case. So Kaori, what do you want usdo?  


- We?  


- Yes partner, even so, do you want us to accept this affair ?  


Kaori would have liked to say that she refused the job because she had the presentiment that something bad was going to happen. But many people were dead and others were about to be. And this drug would do more damage if they did not intervene. So she looked into Ryo’s eyes and long before she spoke she knew that her partner had understood her answer but she still wanted to confirm it verbally so she said.  


- Yes, partner.  


Ryo was pleased with the response of Kaori, although he knew that this mission would certainly be dangerous knowing that his partner still trusted in him warmed his heart.  


- In that case, Saeko explain us what it returns exactly  


Saeko explained to them in detail everything that touched this mission. And Ryo was soon to realize that Kaori and himself would not succeed in this business alone and they would need help on this one, but he didn’t want to force his friends on a mission that he knew would be very risky. So he called the band members and asked them to come immediately to their apartment.  


Shortly after, Miki, Falcon, Reika and Mick appeared.  


Saeko explained the mission again and when she had finished Ryo turned to his friends.  


- Well, now that you know everything. This mission is very delicate and a little help will not be too much I won’t force your hand, if you refuse I will understand.  


One by one they agreed to done them a helping hand. And Ryo gave a role to each.  


It was agreed that all would meet at the apartment of the two sweepers, in the evening at 7 o‘clock.  


Everyone returned to their occupation. Miki and Falcon, opened their cafe, Reika stayed with Saeko in the young woman apartment. Mick returned to his household gods. Ryo went in the basement to prepare their weapons and Kaori began cooking. It was well over 2 O‘clock and as her partner was still not coming to eat she went to meet him.  


Ryo while training thought about Mick’s words. He wanted to ask Kaori to become his girlfriend. That was something that he could never accept. If he didn’t say to Kaori what he felt for her it was precisely to get her to meet someone who wouldn’t be from their underworld, not to have her ending with Mick. He was shooting without a break as if that could reduce his rage. When suddenly he felt the aura of Kaori nearby. He stopped firing and turned in her direction. Damn, she was so beautiful, and tonight his angel would risk her life by his side one more time. And he still had not tell her how much he cared about her.  


Kaori guided by the sound of the shots went to the basement. She walked into the room and met the gaze of her partner, she had never seen that look in his eyes and feeling Ryo’s gaze sliding over her made her heart beat faster. Still, she manages to articulate.  


- Ryo the meal is ready. Are you coming?  


- Yes, I’ll come right away.  


He put his gun in his holster then both they went to their apartment where they ate in silence. After what, both of them returned their occupations to avoid thinking about what was going to happen that evening. Kaori felt that Ryo was tense she never saw him like that before a fight.  


Ryo was afraid. He would have told Kaori to stay home, but he knew that the young woman would get angry at that. The mission of this evening would be very risky, and he was afraid that something was going to happen to his angel. He would never stand something like this, he would rather die than live without her.  


Shortly before 19 o’clock, the two sweepers were ready and waiting for their friends in the living room, the atmosphere was heavy none of them uttered a single word. Kaori looked at her partner and whispered.  


- Ryo.  


This sound was almost inaudible but the sweeper had a highly developed ear so he heard the young woman and asked her.  


- What’s the matter Kaori. ?  


- Be very careful tonight.  


- Why do you say that?  


- I have a bad felling, as if something bad is going to happen.  


- But what do you think will happen to me ?  


- I'm afraid that you’ll die Ryo and I don’t want that to happen. I already lost my brother, I don’t want to lose you too, you're the only family I have left.  


The young woman burst into tears and rushed into the arms of her partner. Ryo stood motionless, not trying to take her in his arms. He stroked her hair tenderly.  


- Don’t worry, I don’t intend to die. Because there’s something I must do before I die and as long as it isn’t done I won’t die.  


Kaori raised her tearful eyes her partner‘s ones.  


- What are you talking about?  


To see the tearful gaze of his angel troubled him. He did not intend to leave her alone, not as long as he had not tell her how much he love her. But he didn’t want to say it before the mission tonight, because she would think that if he did it, it was in the heat of battle, not because he really cared about her. So, he preferred to say.  


- There are too many Miss Mokkori who have yet to meet the Stallion of Shinjuku, only when I made the acquaintance of all Mokkori Miss on this Earth, I will die but not before.  


- Idiot.  


And she threw a mace at him before heading to the kitchen where she dried her tears.  


Their friends came. After some last recommendations they left the apartment and went to the place where the traffic took place.  


Each took his place. Initially all went smoothly, they saw Snake arrived with Zephyr.  


When things began to move Ryo who was standing next to Kaori whispered to her.  


- Whatever happens don’t move. I'll try to approach a little more, you, you stay there and you cover my back.  


- Ryo be careful. Don’t go take unnecessary risks.  


- Don’t worry.  


And with his hand he pushed a rebel lock of Kaori’s hair and lingered on her cheek. She grabbed his hand and covered it with hers. Despite the dark he could not help seeing the tears flowing. Gently he removed his hand from Kaori‘s. He was preparing to depart when suddenly he grabbed the woman by her waist and placed his lips on hers for a kiss as light as air and without uttering a single word, he walked away.  


Kaori could not leave him alone so, while leaving some distance between them she followed him. He wanted her to cover his back and that is what she would do. Suddenly she saw a gun pointed at Ryo. She then threw a mace to send the man to the ground but he managed to shoot before being buried revealing the presence of Kaori to the other bandits. Immediately a downpour of bullets were fired in her direction. Kaori was left paralysed by fear.  


A man threw himself between the bullet and Kaori.  


Meanwhile, each other of the band and the team of agents of Saeko rushed into battle and the men who were firing at Kaori were taken down. Gradually the firing ceased and a macabre silence settled.  



End of flashback.  



Kaori was crying in front of the man lying dead at her feet when she fell down and lay on him, she could no longer hold back her tears and was only able to whispered those words.  


- Why did you do that, why ?  


A man approached her. It was very hard to get her to let go of the lifeless body. When she found herself in his arms she snuggled against him her legs not supporting herself up anymore. Then he carried her to the car. Arriving at the apartment the young woman was still in shock. So he took her in his arms and put her on the sofa. He went into the kitchen where he took a bottle of liquor and two glasses. She was not a regular of alcoholic drinks, but she needed something strong to get her out of her state of shock. He put a glass on the table and sat down beside the young woman. Then he drank a large gulp of alcohol. His friend, his brother had just sacrifice himself to save Kaori. He felt a tear running down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it away. Kaori needed him ...  


A hand on his arm shook him out of his thoughts, he turned towards the young woman. Kaori looked him straight in the eyes hers filled with tears repeating the same words.  


- Why, why did he do this ?  


The man, without leaving her eyes, took her in his arms and said.  


- He gave his life for you because he loved you and he could not bear to live if you had been killed. If I been in his place I would have done the same thing because I love you too Kaori and I'd rather die than lose you.  


He leaned over her and gently placed his lips on hers. The young woman was still in shock so she remained frozen under his kiss.  


The man was wounded as Kaori did not respond to his kiss, was it possible that he made a mistake, that Kaori felt nothing for him except friendship.  


When their lips parted. She stood there motionless, the man couldn’t take it he had to get away from her to digest the blow he had just took, the love he felt for Kaori was not reciprocal. He prepared to stand up when she caught him by his arm, then she faced him and looked him straight in the eyes. She whispered.  


- I love you too.  


And their mouths met for a passionate kiss.  



A few days later, in front of a tombstone, a man placed a bouquet of flowers and began to speak.  


- Thanks, old brother you gave your life for her. I could never thank you enough for what you did. Do not worry I will take care of Kaori and never again she will weep. Your sacrifice was not in vain and know that if I have a son one day I’ll give him your name. Farewell my friend !  


Kaori approached the man and took his arm. He looked at her and as if to show his friend his happiness he kissed the young woman. Then softly they left the tomb on which was inscribed.  


Mick Angel. 


Chapitre: 1 2






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