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Data File

Rated G - Prose


Auteur(s): therry

Traducteur(s): oceane28

Status: Complète

Série: City Hunter


Total: 1 chapitre

Publiée: 07-05-06

Mise à jour: 07-05-06


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Résumé: Ryô débarque au Etats Unis et il découvre un nouveau monde que la guerre.


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Ville (Pays): C0BncMd6jLhV (Ae7r8aqcoe)


Review: Katie, My thoughts and prayers are with, you and your dear friend's family and friends. I will keep you in my prayers and ask that you find ease through this time of grief. God Bless!


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Ville (Pays): PEfaaOqpf (Uqvcp75t)


Review: The bottom of a market is always when it seems the worst time to buy. You know... the proverbial "Blood In The Streets" scenario. History has evidence for you. Just trying to help. Don't be a sheep.


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Ville (Pays): F4EirpEuqxJR (Ucxvu99a1yd)


Review: I’m interested in Who cares if it’s his wife? If they want to spice up their sex life with a little fantasy role-playing in a porn scene good luck to them I say.


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Ville (Pays): YLUkgEpa8O9 (8xmpcjzv4)


Review: White legs, black & blue foot, freckles on your arms...sounds like a colourful vacation! I too have white legs, black and blue feet (from frostbite!) and freckles on my arms.


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Ville (Pays): LGQ0kgEc (Gsn79gxm)


Review: Megan,I’ve had so much fun following your blog! (Yes, I’ve been a stalker!) Your dad told me about it. (We were on staff together in Broken Arrow. Andy’s older brother/family were in Chile for 16 years.) I love how you’re finding ways to interact with new friends. Keep up the good work!!



Ville (Pays): AEv6xXLt6S (Uq180sjklj)


Review: I did not find it out of place. All previous SBC Presidents have been white. I see no problem mentioning their race in that sentence. It’s a simple statement of fact.


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Ville (Pays): OBtDqqHFb (Mbxr6wlwjs)


Review: hola,queria saber como tramito el prenatal,estoy de mas de 3 meses de gestacion.tambien quiero saber si en el caso de que el bruto de lo que cobramos supera el valor maximo dispsto x el gob.pierdo el derecho a cobrar el prenatal.porq hace 2 meses q no lo cobro al de mis otros 3 hijos.



Ville (Pays): B9swaIteT (3ck0mcrpyy5)


Review: The show has been great! Just when I think I want to be on the show, the pop craft has something to do with sewing. I panic. I think it would take me an hour to come up with an idea let alone sew it. I think the best part of the show is the creative crafts that are made within the time available. Amazing.



Ville (Pays): 9B7ugAqcwrZ1 (Oo7lmdytvepv)


Review: I remember your predictions last year. You predicted Alex Smith would suffer such a severe injury in the Detroit game his career would be over. Fortunately it all turned out differently and for the better. Niners? 15-1 with a stinker loss to Arizona…


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Ville (Pays): 2sfiSqpkdFS (9lrjxk8l)


Review: Creo que ha habido alguna equivocación al colgar el libro, ademas de ser solo una parte y ni siquiera la novela completa de “La regenta” de Leopoldo Clarin”, mirar el enlace para que veais que no es mentira, no es la novela de Ken sino otra en su lugar. Porfavor arreglar el enlace que interesa la original de Ken Follet.P.D: Lo que no entiendo es que el encabezamiento si que coincide con el titulo original que publicais pero no el desarrolo de la misma, parece una broma.Gracias y espero que lo podais arreglar pronto para poder disfrutar de la novela.



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