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Rated G - Prose


Auteur: Lune

Status: Complète

Série: City Hunter


Total: 1 chapitre

Publiée: 06-01-05

Mise à jour: 06-01-05


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Résumé: Un chapitre unique pour le tragique évènement qui a frappé plusieurs pays du sud. Une histoire où l'on retrouve une très belle qualité, la solidarité.


Astuces & Conseils

Quel est le nombre minimal de mots pour qu'un chapitre soit accepté?


Pour les fanfictions normales, les chapitres doivent comporter plus de 600 mots. Pour les poésies, le quota est de 80 mots et pour les sonf fics, il est de 200 mots. Ces re ...

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   Reviews :: City Hunter: Hommage au 26 décembre 2004



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Ville (Pays): 1ObiDmzMt (An95s8x8nn)


Review: "Does anyone believe that the states would have originally ratified the Constitution had they known this would be their fate?"We live in a different age -shallow leaders without God, courage, dignity or character, manipulate truth and the citizenry to control us. Freedom is an illusion that is about to pop!


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Ville (Pays): PQ4t9ppZ (Svozxvw34e)


Review: sulla vicenda di ieri, risponde alla domanda “cosa bisogna fare per farci ascoltare”: basta eleggere due senatori.ne approfitto per esprimere un desiderio: si torni a votare e che il nano di arcore ci tolga dalle scatole e per sempre santoro e le sue sciaquetteroberto


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Ville (Pays): HsYVYT0T (Lf8eqfcd6)


Review: 1. Introduce a new meta tag that pages can use to indicate that they are ajax powered+2. Change your crawler backend to load the the content into a headless browser on your infrastructure and crawl the DOM3. Profit


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Ville (Pays): BVWi6lF2 (2viuelv6sqm)


Review: Nick Kerkorian has a good point. It is always an advantage having a car for almost any thing you need to do. The time you lose having fun at the beach is the same time you lose walking or taking the bus if case you don’t have a car.



Ville (Pays): YfZUhlC8ZTaM (Pfuznluq)


Review: I have always lamented the fact that all the great, exciting cons and expos I would personally enjoy do not grace Europe – I am clearly living in the wrong parts of the world when it comes to my passions. only just been to the UK, so September is out. The Gamescom is currently happening in Köln this weekend – few of my friends are traveling there, unfortunately I cannot attend. I wonder how things are going to develop in the future, Europe and Asia being and becoming bigger and bigger MMO markets. here’s to hoping!Syl recently posted..


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Ville (Pays): ZkdxU536 (Zfqzzsy6)


Review: wow, i’m thankful mr shadix shared that story. i’ve always enjoyed him as an actor and now have an even greater appreciation for him. keep up the great work wayne, and glenn!


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Ville (Pays): TLaOZmiWJ (Qupuxtg2a)


Review: BJJ is an extant of Jujitsu…Jujitsu was brought to South America in the early 1900′s, and was propagated by the Gracie family and others.Brazilian Jujitsu has gained prominence in MMA, but long before the advent of the UFC it was a international combat art.


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Ville (Pays): 2pGztdJ9D3 (S5hxqpckzi)


Review: Just received a new slim PS3 w/Move bundle for my birthday. Updated to 3.65 and can’t load up MvC3. Haven’t even had the chance to try it. Definitely upset. Sports Champions works, however. Can’t download the update it prompts me for at the beginning, though.



Ville (Pays): L6LGZ83ND (Ew1i9sap)


Review: I actually heard about this Wondra flour for the first time just yesterday on the food network. Those popovers look delicious. But that strawberry butter...fantastic. Such a simple way to make brunch extra special.



Ville (Pays): Y2vkokgA5YKJ (Jpf8fwc1t)


Review: Arhj! Jeg plejer ellers altid at være ubetinget enig med jer, men denim-skjorter til mænd er da herre frække! sådan en let opknappet til solbrun mand.. aaahhhh, JA tak!



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