Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated G - Poésie


Auteur: Angel nigth

Status: Complète

Série: City Hunter


Total: 1 chapitre

Publiée: 22-08-08

Mise à jour: 22-08-08


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Résumé: Juste un poème...


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Ville (Pays): J0G13er4q (G4xgpmpd)


Review: Hmm is anyone else encountering problems with the images on this blog loading? I’m trying to figure out if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Ville (Pays): 8vIVM9Im (Z84miscks)


Review: Hola Jero, hace poco encontré tu web y habia incluso llegado a pensar que estaba abandonada, me alegra un monton volver a contar contigo, he leido mucho de lo ya escrito y me daba mucha pena no poder seguir disfrutando de tí, pero veo que te vamos a poder seguir disfrutando.Un abrazo y nos leemos.


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Ville (Pays): RvUU5NTfEej (Uy1ogvo9)


Review: SvenTvikingSo did Peter Jackson stick to the original novel? Like fuck he did! Arwen with a sword. Lets make Elrond’s motives completely opposite to the original. I bet Jackson never realised that Aragorn and Arwen are cousins!


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Ville (Pays): 6PSzI0bW8 (Z6eurpqxx2oa)


Review: Yeah, because no international star can speak English intelligibly, so whadaya whadaya? Like that Christoph Waltz who played the Nazi colonel in "Inglourious Basterd" -- man, he was completely incomprehensible.


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Ville (Pays): TMaaEpBVz (Wxsuxlh7zhs)


Review: We all say it’s awesome because we CAN see what’s going on. You need to know what the nodes are and how they work in order to really follow what he is doing but still…. Awesome to see him working.


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Ville (Pays): MKmiGkpSHV (Lk1nwpzfs)


Review: V-grrrl – You are right. That’s why I shouldn’t have written this post. I need to give up writing a post every day this month. It is bad for my health. You end up revealing too much.


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Ville (Pays): Yaq8DUz7 (Skmhlc8j5i)


Review: I think his performance was over the top .It was to raunchy for my taste .Dont care if hes gay are not He.should keep his antics to himself.And as for all the rest of the performers yes some went to far He himself said it was not planned ahead he just did it.


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Ville (Pays): SWmjMIvo1bJ (A0aanyvnh)


Review: Danke für den Hinweis. Hat ad auch geschrieben. Aus diesem Grund hab ich gleich mal Akismet deaktiviert und AntispamBee installiert. Mal schauen wie es damit läuft.



Ville (Pays): KWL7RbG6e (Cvy6zoepy8)


Review: Scrivi il tuo commento Puoi usare questi tags HTML : <a> <abbr> <acronym> <b> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <del> <em> <i> <q> <strike> <strong> var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : 'red', lang : 'en' , tabindex : 5 };   #submit {display:none;}



Ville (Pays): Zr8pWxr0cS (Z4itm0vvr)


Review: Erittäin hyvä kirjoitus. Syytä olisi miettiä minkälaista arvomaailmaa median kautta välitämme nuorille ihmisille, joiden minäkuva ei ole vielä tarpeeksi vahva kestämään erilaiset ristiriitaiset vaatimukset yhteiskunnan, muiden ihmisten ja mainoksien suunnalta. Jotain on pahasti vialla kun nuorista niin moni kärsii anoreksiasta.



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