Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated G - Prose


Auteur: Lune

Status: Complète

Série: City Hunter


Total: 1 chapitre

Publiée: 06-01-05

Mise à jour: 06-01-05


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Résumé: Un chapitre unique pour le tragique évènement qui a frappé plusieurs pays du sud. Une histoire où l'on retrouve une très belle qualité, la solidarité.


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   Reviews :: City Hunter: Hommage au 26 décembre 2004



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Ville (Pays): XwFsmxodq (Mmxwk6x3z)


Review: Im no pro, but I consider you just made the best point. You clearly comprehend what youre talking about, and I can actually get behind that. Thanks for staying so upfront and so straightforward.



Ville (Pays): KKwxDXZqneca (Cimgjohya22)


Review: Thanks for stopping by Jakk.I kind of like the logo, but I know there are a few flaws that my creative mind haven’t managed to address yet, so I look forward to your ideas!Thanks for becoming part of the community Christopher – Admin Team


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Ville (Pays): 9vAp4Xha87 (Yj3mjv5bx5)


Review: mba, ptama2 makasiy ya resep2 nya,,buat aku yg masiy newly syeneng de rasana bisa nyoba2 bikin kue trus ada guidance na ^_^mu tanya dunk mba, kalo cream cheese kita campur ke buttercream enak ga y?pengaruh k tekstur krim nya ga y? Takutnya buttercream stlh dicampur ma cream cheese jd gampang lembek (krim ny jd turun)mohon info nya y mba… Makasiy.. ^_^


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Ville (Pays): IfPgC9bhR0 (Hhhprvhi2o)


Review: Dear Arn,It's not that studying Science & Maths in English will improve mastery in the language per se.It's about getting used to reading scientific terms in English. If I ask about "jalur lebar" service in Sg Buloh, all I get is a blank stare. If I say "broadband" then I get "Ohhhh"When you are in the technical field, it's important to understand the English equivalent of scientific terms as it is the more dominant language.



Ville (Pays): KRRoQZuRFEJ (Izp44auvf)


Review: En meme emps hein, tu nous en mets une bien mais dedans y’a du "dantoncu", et le "dantoncu" on a dit que meme 2eme degre c’etait plus drole… Je suis decu Imperatrice. Tu baisses…



Ville (Pays): PRDEvHVitq8 (Jgtcxwirfg72)


Review: over the weekend, Dr. Keyesand the students and priests and protesters whostood up should have been recognized for theiranti-abortion stance. Obama is a hypocrite–his words do NOT match his actions. PATRIOTS SHOUT!!!



Ville (Pays): Ow3zS2JhBLth (0fvtnjnia2t)


Review: for our Inside Art participants and other over-55′s from the local area. The workshops, Working With The Head, were an introduction to clay modelling techniques, led by artist Christy


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Ville (Pays): QGrJyFu9Gdp1 (To4ysmyuzw)


Review: I bought these specifically for my Ipod Touch, 2G. Sound quality is good, they are basically the standard Ipod ear buds. If you’re interested in making Voip calls through your touch, then these are a must. I use them for making phone calls through Skype (using the Fring app). They work perfectly out of the box (and yes, it is hard to open!) I called my husband’s cell phone and he reported my sound quality being just fine. It’s too bad that they don’t work on my Mac too…


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Ville (Pays): I8ieGIS4Y (Fcwhart4jkt)


Review: Nuestra Parroquia agradece de corazón a AS los esfuerzos que hace por ayudarnos a ser más sensibles con los más pobres de la tierra. Pero, sobre todo, estamos orgullosos de Sevilla28, el coro de PJVR de neustra parroquia, porque nos enseñan el valro del esfuerzo cuando ponen sus cualidades al servicio de un proyecto común y una buena causa: el Evangelio. ¡Gracias, Sevilla28! ¡Grgacias, Miguel, por tus palabras!


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Ville (Pays): 9V8E0tP0RU (Hjywktoghgkf)


Review: Interesting look at how artists are almost unconsciously going for a certain depiction of women, even though they are not given any direction. Very telling.And yet women are so heavily sexualized, every part of their body, everywhere else, that I my eyes are almost automatically drawn to her leg. Dammit!



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