Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated R - Prose


Auteur: sabi

Status: Complète

Série: City Hunter


Total: 20 chapitres

Publiée: 07-04-05

Mise à jour: 04-08-06


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Résumé: Une affaire, une dispute, un geste qui fait que tout bascule. L'amour sera-t-il plus fort que tout? La réponse au défi d'Ayumi est ici.


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Quel est le nombre minimal de mots pour qu'un chapitre soit accepté?


Pour les fanfictions normales, les chapitres doivent comporter plus de 600 mots. Pour les poésies, le quota est de 80 mots et pour les sonf fics, il est de 200 mots. Ces re ...

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   Reviews :: Un geste de trop



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Ville (Pays): T1vq41TqV (I68obggrctkq)


Review: Grazie della spiegazione di come funziona il "backup" nel programma shuttle.In effetti, col programma a regime, era ingestibile trainare 10-14 astronauti per una missione specifica.


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Ville (Pays): Uqr4NM7Zn6 (C9fp9hrnqb)


Review: Technical Comment.I think if the sample is truly random then the true correlation (observed after the election) could be either higher or lower than the correlation you observed in the sample.


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Ville (Pays): JD1rDdWi (Xfmugq0i)


Review: Ha! Exactly. My brother went two years ago. But he's an Artsy Cousin sort, and a psychotherapist. You know, he lives in SF, and hangs in the Burning Man circles. I suppose it's possible, now that I think of it, that you two have met. He goes by Peter:).


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Ville (Pays): X8mq38o4YVCd (Degv4h1lh)


Review: Non je ne salive pas, je ne fais que passer, je ne salive pas ... Oh la la, le ventre est par terre... la honte, il bave!PS : la viande a l'air fondante à souhait. AH non, là c'ets le coeur qui rejoint le ventre ;-( Pâ juste!



Ville (Pays): RNy7IXmp1cio (Eupgqakiy)


Review: Pai....acum folosesc Oral B dar nu stiam diferenta intre eleDupa o cura sinusala radicala - cu caldwell luc si tot tacamul am folosit Corsodil mai mult decat ar fi trebuit. Si m-am "trezit" la propriu cu depuneri, pana atunci n-am avut, nici macar tartru nu faceam la cativa ani. Asa ca m-am prezentat frumos la un periaj profesional si mi-a curatat dintii. Mai astept 2-3luni si apoi fac si o albire. O sa intru pe site . Mult succes :)


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Ville (Pays): QosTOb03A (Jaayqgiluhh4)


Review: Ben, Thank you for this very useful review. Another reviewer described the lens as a bagful of primes and your tests appear to confirm this. I have the 17-40 and the 24-70 mk1 and plan to sell both and get this lens. I like your site and the great photographs on it. Thanks. Fred.


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Ville (Pays): GKHRBkwe (Cutfkontq)


Review: Excellent, I love to learn. It is funny how some of these things that look easy are not. I had a terrible time with the Than Bauk form but it was so gratifying to produce something in the end. I look forward to it.



Ville (Pays): IeOQn2Sab (Qpehuw1cn6)


Review: Vernon did that fix headphone volume as well? I can deal with the lower volume if actually wearing headphones, but I plug into auxilary port in my car/job radio and cannot deal with the reduced volume.



Ville (Pays): F3NFUn9L (Ja7nulokch)


Review: Hey, I just found through a link on one of my favorite blogs. Your article here is very illuminating and I have already bookmarked it on Digg to share with my pals.


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Ville (Pays): F3OZz1z5EY (Kccf1tire)


Review: Good to hear you got out and about but not so good about that strange lady chasing you. You really must put a pic of your nails on the blog for us all to see!!Gorgeous card - such an adorable image and really pretty embellishments.HugsDenise xx



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