Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated G - Poésie


Auteur: Mojca

Status: Complète

Série: Angel Heart


Total: 1 chapitre

Publiée: 24-05-05

Mise à jour: 24-05-05


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Résumé: I was leafing through my old notebooks and found some poor attempts at poetry (I hated my teacher when she gave us that assignment). I translated it in English and here it is... At least that's what I think Ryo felt upon Kaori's death. Hope you like it. Kiss, Mojca


Astuces & Conseils

Quelques conseils pour écrire une bonne fanfiction


Quelques conseils de base à suivre pour les fanfictions: - Vérifier l'orthographe avant de poster vos histoires. C'est essentiel. Plus il y a de fautes d'orthographe, plus les l ...

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   Reviews :: Your star continues to shine



Total: 1 - Pages : 1



Ville (Pays): New Orleans (La)


Review: Wow, you're a poet, too. Is there anything you don't know how to do? Anyway, I wanted to tell you this poem of yours is really beautiful and utterly touching. I hope to read more like it in the future. And of course, some new chapters as well (if you get the not-so-subtle hint). You are amazing as per usual, Aline.



Total: 1 - Pages : 1





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