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Data File

Rated G - Poesia


Autore: Angel nigth

Status: Completa

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 1 capitolo

Pubblicato: 22-08-08

Ultimo aggiornamento: 22-08-08


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Riassunto: Juste un poème...


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Ville (Pays): SsjX6hLK2 (Z3lgy7niuv)


Review: Denise..I was laughing so hard the entire time I was reading this. LOL! I can honestly say our teenager could care less what we do as long as we leave him alone lol. The spotlight passage in this had me rolling! lol!


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Ville (Pays): VVUf4eSyjqqd (1bz16vtihby)


Review: about Bill Clinton in 1994. READ MAUREEN DOWD'S COLUMN FROM WEDNESDAY.In 1998, the GOP started to bleed congressional seats and Gingrich resigned in disgrace.In 2000 Gore actually received more votes than Bush so the GOP had to steal the election and Bush used an unjustified war and scare tactics to get elected.The GOP is presently a house of cards about to be imploded by the rightwing extremists of the Tea Party.This is a short term victory buddy.Beat your chest now while you can.



Ville (Pays): DGQopDHA (Mprp5bdma5kh)


Review: Se lo possono scaricare, vuol dire che è stato realizzato. Se è stato realizzato, vuol dire che qualcuno lo ha finanziato. Per cui il prodotto è già pagato.E non ti pare lievemente pericoloso questo concetto?


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Ville (Pays): R2p5IXssutNm (Yv9qgtdb9)


Review: Pour Darwin au Xème degré, je conseille fortement "Les pirates dans une aventure avec les scientifiques" de Gideon Defoe. On n'y apprend (quasi) rien mais c'est très drôle, assez dans l'humour de ce blog.


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Ville (Pays): Bw91fZ6aSsL (Gp4f5hlivq87)


Review: Thank you Diana. I knew that you would be one of the people to respond. Some of you always are there for me and I apprecate it greatly. Know that I would like to be there for you all too.Russ



Ville (Pays): LZXpLCSCoL (Aqpkvqbvm)


Review: on peut pas voir la video elle est en privé!t’es pas allé dans le bon parc c’est pour ça! à tokyo c’est au disney sea qu’il faut aller pas au disneyland.


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Ville (Pays): IJztulWaO (Iqvfkg1m)


Review: Dxn is the best MLM in the world hi gave people healthy wealthy and happiness in life,better life and better future…..thank you dxn see you in the top..



Ville (Pays): AJO2AcDkCi (09ze9guqtzqq)


Review: Oh yeah, Mama, the glamorous lifestyle that comes with writing a teensy house blog is just making me insufferable. ALL ME ALL THE TIME. Ha!I think pigs are closer to sprouting wings than you are to getting that turntable in working order, but I guess you can have your records back if that’s something you really want me to endure.



Ville (Pays): RhDHDF12x (Wdkr2fp1u)


Review: How is the spray paint holding up on the doorknobs? I'd love to paint all of our brass knobs and hinges more of a brushed nickel color, but I'm worried about the finish rubbing off from excess use. Obviously a repaint job would still be cheaper than buying all new door hardware, but I hate to go to the effort to paint and then have to repaint later.



Ville (Pays): RmbYU6vJ (Allnwjan3jm)


Review: Ico,Li não sei onde que Piquet e um associado poderiam estar trabalhando numa forma de assumir o espólio da BMW-Sauber. Desta maneira, garantiria uma vaga para Piquet Jr. na F1. Há algo de verdadeiro nisso?



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