Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated R - Prosa


Auteur(s): Mojca

Traducteur(s): Engel

Status: In corso

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 4 capitoli

Pubblicato: 30-06-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 18-02-06


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Riassunto: Mick s'eprend d'une belle et mysterieuse illustratrice... Mais leur histoire d' amour est interrompu lorsqu'il part pour le Japon. Il a ete commissione pour tuer son meilleur ami.


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Can I change an offline translation into an online translation ?


Yes. The author of the original story has to be a member and he has to have posted the fanfiction that was translated. Then, you have to send me an email asking me to change the st ...

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   Reviews :: Un pincement du destin



Total: 60 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6



Ville (Pays): New Orleans (La)


Review: And here I am. Finished reading the six chapters and fell in love. With the storyline, with Mick's and Cory's love story... Even though she being Kaori is pretty much a gimme, but I'll keep up with the charade until you decide to write it loud and clear who she really is. I like Ryo in this story, too. It's interesting when you think about it, isn't it? How he'd turn out, if Kaori wasn't by his side - and how her life would turn out to be without him. You really do have a knack at describing their thoughts and feelings. Amazing. Wanna know what I liked most? The last chapter with flashes between Washington and Tokyo. It was like I was there, in both places at the same time. I got goosebumps reading how tuned in was Kaori (sorry, Cory) to Ryo even at a distance. Well, at least I hope you wnated to depict that connection with her getting sick when he was in danger. And the word she mouths at the mirror - it was his name, right? And the 'Pearl Harbor' scene in the water as he sees her face... I'm speechless (which doesn't look like speechless, since I'm typing like a lunatic, here). Thank you again for your beautiful stories and update soon, Aline.



Ville (Pays): Marseille (France)


Review: Coucou Mojca! D'abord un énorme merci à Engel sans qui je passerai à côté d'une superbe fic et d'une histoire au top. Désolée d'écrire en français mais c'est beaucoup plus simple pour moi, mon anglais n’étant pas très brillant... Par quoi commencer? Bon, dans ce deuxième chapitre on se rend compte que Cory est en toute logique Kaori et que Ryo lui as dit de partir. On découvre cette vérité petit à petit vers la fin du chapitre, en notant des coïncidences. C'est vraiment bien fait. Mais on ne peut pas s'empêcher d'être triste en pensant à ce qu'a fait Ryo à notre Kaori. En même temps on se demande comment lui il va, qu'est-il devenu sans elle? Mais le plus dur c'est d'être partagé entre Ryo et Mick. Pour moi Kaori doit être avec Ryo, c'est comme ça. Mais on aime aussi beaucoup Mick et on s'est attaché à ce nouveau couple suite à ces deux chapitres. En clair, je suis tiraillée entre l'envie que Kaori et Ryo se retrouvent et l'envie que Ryo disparaisse complètement de la vie de Kaori pour qu'elle puisse enfin connaître le bonheur (je n'aurais jamais cru dire ça un jour ! Ne m’en veut pas Ryo ! Tu sais bien que je t’adore ! Mais c’est toi quand même qui comme un idiot a dit à Kaori de partir !). Mais bon la vie n'est pas très simple car même si Ryo ne revenait pas (une fic de CH sans Ryo, c’est possible ? Je ne crois pas, mais on ne sait jamais), construire quelque chose à 28ans n'est jamais facile surtout lorsque s'est avec un autre nettoyeur! Mais à mon avis Ryo va bientôt apparaître dans ta fic n’est ce pas ? En tout cas, j’apprécie énormément cette histoire et je me pose un tas de question sur la suite. Peut-être que Ryo reviendra et tout comme dans le manga, Kaori devra choisir… et choisira Ryo. En tout cas merci Mojca pour ta superbe fic ( c'est une histoire super et tu écrit vraiment très bien) et merci beaucoup Engel pour cette excellente traduction! Bisous.



Ville (Pays): Bel (Luik)


Review: hello mojca. your history is always very well to read. it is dramatic and you know that I am sensitive to dramatic ( je vais te tué lol). that pleases to me as mick did not die and I hope that the disease of kaori isn't serious (or she doeisn't await a baby !!!!). in short, I'll stay the continuation with impatiently . love



Ville (Pays): Doha (Qatar)


Review: Hey Mojca! It\'s me again !! I just read that fanfiction and I really find brilliant (good job!). It is a bit more dramatic than \' What If \' but I still like it very much and the way you write makes it even better. I really wonder what is going to happen when Ryo and Mick find out that they love the same woman ( I guess Cory is Kaori, yeh?) but I think there\'s gonna be a lot sparklings in the air (ooh I can\\\'t wait for that scene!!) but in the end it is Kaori who will have to decide, I hope she picks Ryo because it looks like she\'ll be bonded to him forever even if they are not together but on the other hand I would feel really sorry for Mick, so it\\\'s kind of a dilemma. But anyways, you are the authoress so you choose and I know you\'ll make the good choice!! Update ASAP please! Luv, Engel P.S: I was wondering, would you allow me to translate this fanfiction in french? I don\\\'t know if anybody started to do so, but if not could you e-mail me and tell me please?



Ville (Pays): Montpellier (France)


Review: Ho Mojca... we can't wait anymore...! please let us know the sequel...! I imagined many ways for them to know the truth but what's yours...? please, don't be cruel... as usually, I'm looking forward the next chapter...



Ville (Pays): Liege (Bel)


Review: salut, voilà comme je te l'ai promis une petite review pour te dire que je te lis toujours même si je suis en examen! si j'ai bien compris, mick est mort?? snif . pauvre kaori! Ecris vite la suite car je veux savoir ce qu'il va se passer!!love...



Ville (Pays): Liège (Bel)


Review: salut moj, quel plaisir de te lire!! J'adore ton style... et cette histoire m' accroche tout comme "what if". stp maje vite le prochain chap sinon je vais mourrir lol. bisous



Ville (Pays): Montpellier (France)


Review: hooo, Mojca... you can't believe how much I'm eager to know what will happen next...! you're amazing... I mean it...! and I can't wait until everybody knows Kaori is Cory and Mick her first one and her new boy-friend (and why not her fiance...). Please... be nice...! if you already wrote the next chapters, just send them...! your very first fan



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: Hej hej, Mojca !YES YES YES !! You deserve plenty of reviews !!!....Readers should have both their eye on you...and this! God how much i love this story !!! It\'s like a master paint, slowly drawning contours, slowly revealing characters and secrets....And these dark sides are always going on....Take your time (you have to be good, go girl!), but do NOT stop, pleeeeease !!! Plein de bisous. Tasska



Ville (Pays): Liège (Belgique)


Review: hello, you return with a news fic. I thinks that I go liked as much as the others. Ryo always make evil has kaori but I hope that very will arrange itself for them and that mick will not make a dramatic thing... that please to me to read the continuation and too"what if"... bye



Total: 60 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6





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