Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated R - Prosa


Auteur(s): Mojca

Traducteur(s): rory

Status: In corso

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 5 capitoli

Pubblicato: 30-03-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 08-04-05


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Riassunto: Et si ... Ryô Saeba n'avait jamais perdu ses parents et sa mémoire dans un accident d'avion ? Que se serait-il passé si City Hunter n'avais jamais existé ? Est-ce que tous les personnages que nous aimons se seraient rencontrés quand même ? Est-ce que deux âmes soeurs, deux moitiés d'un même tout seraient encore réunies ?


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   Reviews :: Et si ...



Total: 102 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: no mais c quand qu'elle vient la suite? Je désespère! j'espère que tu prends compte de nos reviews. Et que tu pourras majé pour la suite de ton formidable fic^^ courage & à très bientôt!



Ville (Pays): Liège (Belgique)


Review: hello mojca,I really liked your explanation about ryo.That always please to me to read you...do not make us too much wait for the next chapter because I am very exity of reading the continuation. see you soon lol. bye



Ville (Pays): Doha (Qatar)


Review: wouaw!!! even after ten chapters I am still amazed by your way of writing and the way you can make us deseperatly hold on to your story (lol!). I found the flashback very interesting and know I understand better why Kaori is still mad at him after ten years, if it was me I would also be, he really behaved like an ass but that was really sweet of him to leave this simple but yet meaningful 'sorry' note. I hope that Kaori will soon be able to trust Ryo and also could you give us some informations about Pandora? she doesn't seem to be a bad person, she sounds like child or a teen to me, is she from the States? I can't wait to read your next chapter (which you will update soon, won't you? said Engel menacingly (lol!!).



Ville (Pays): Montpellier (France)


Review: Ho my goodness...! I love what you did with hojo's characters... I like the way they behave and I think that your fic is the best one we can see on that web site... in each chapters I am surpised and pleased to see a very proud and tough Kaory who do not how to behave we a so hot and alluring Ryo... in that last chapter we discovered the arrogant side of Mr. Ryo Saeba and I think we need it to understand why Kaori was so angry and why, after all that he did and what he said (on the previous chapters), she wasn't confident... very good job..! and I'm looking forward to read the next chapter...



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: Hi Mojca ! Once again, I'm not disappointed. So that's what happened all those years ago... I also understand now why Ryo keeps on calling Kaori "Koneko-chan" ^_^ She must have been a divinity reincarnated in that costume. Somewhere I understand Ryo loosing his self-control, but still !! What he did came as close to rape as is possible without actually doing it (and I think he would have done it seen the state of mind he was in). Him leaving for the States was probably the wisest thing he could have done, even if it was a cowardly move. It gave their wounds time to heal. However I'm surprised Kaori is that "warm" with Ryo. After reading what happened I would havec excepted her to rip his heart out ! But then that is not taking into account the fact that she loves him. It's curious isn't it that she still loves him, even though he was so forceful/ rude/ mean with her ? Well I guess I'll have to wait for the next chapter to see how they both deal with it. Great chapter Mojca ! Hope to see the next one very soon !! Kiss, Life



Ville (Pays): Lyon (France)


Review: Hi. So, that's what happened between Ryo and Kaori. No wonder she is mad at him, Ryo lost his control with her, forgetting that she wasn't an experienced woman, but a 16 years old virgin ! Not only did did he scare her, but he also didn't accept her saying NO. Then he threatened her. And yes, maybe Kaori was suddenly discovering physical attraction when he kissed her and it frightened her. After all, most girls her age go through this with teenage boys, they kind of know what to do, but with adult guys ? I understand where they are both coming from. Why Ryo felt the need to flee the country. He was ashamed and couldn't trust himself with her.



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: I really like your fic, it is completly different from the others fics on this site but your style is excellent, and I love your characters! So please send quickly the next chapter!



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: Hé Mojca ! Glad to see your back with a new chapter. And what a chapter !! Finally we learn who Kaori and Ryo met. I wasn't quite expecting them to meet like that. Neither had I expected Ryo to tease Kaori not even two seconds after meeting her. Unexpected but not illogical. Like always I love your sense of humour, it's subtle without turning into the burlesque or something else. Unfortunately I noticed several mistakes in this chapter, so perhaps you should read it more carefully or get someone to do it for you ? (that person is called a beta reader, and if you need someone I propose myself LOL ^_^ ) Otherwise I'm impatient to read the rest of your story, because it's bound to get very very very interesting ! Ryo attracted to Kaori and Kaori who doesn't WANT to fall under his charm. It's going to be one heck of a battle. The question is, who will win ? One could say Ryo has already won, but then again maybe not. So please please post the next chapter (but take your time to read it thorougly first, it's always beter without obvious mistakes). Bye and fare well ! Life



Ville (Pays): Lyon (France)


Review: Hi, it's my first review for this fic, but i just discovered it. To tell you the truth, i mus have found out this site about 3 weeks ago, so brand new fan here. This fic is fascinating. Very different universe from the usual fics, but i like it. I have the suspiscion that something happened between Ryo and Kaori 10 years ago, despite Hideyuki's so-called knowledge. Even if it was just a kiss, for a 16 years old girl, it might mean a lot. Ryo ? hmm, he could have felt frustrated and went to another woman, leading to Kaori discovering it and getting heart broken. About Pandora, i think she is a kid. Maybe 12 year old, since she doesn't seem to need babysitters. I would have said Ryo's illegitimate daughter but she is a blond with green eye, so maybe she is his adoptive daughter ? Okay, that's all for now. Write more, please.



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: hello! Just a short review to tell you I really love your story and your style! It is a real pleasure to read you...and am very curious now about what happens ten years ago...so please send quickly the next one ^_^



Total: 102 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11





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