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Rated R - Prosa


Auteur(s): Mojca

Traducteur(s): CHANLYR

Status: In corso

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 1 capitolo

Pubblicato: 31-12-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-03-06


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   Reviews :: Ce que homme veut



Total: 94 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Ville (Pays): Puteaux (France)


Review: Hello Mojca! We finally know where was Ryô and what was he doing! Drinkig, this is not really surprising but singing... that was such unexpected! But the choice of the song was suitable, it expresses perfectly his thoughts. Now let's see what he might do so as to be forgiven! As ever, I expected your next chapter with great impatience. Kiss



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: I was suprised by the behaviour of your ryo.. singing, I would haven't thought of him this way but it was a nice suprise. Like the chronos I am a bit suprised that he believed mick so quiqkly...but now I wonder how he is going to made it up for kaori! Don't wait to long to give us the next chapter! thanks!!! :)



Ville (Pays): London (Uk)


Review: hello i love this new chapter and finally Ryo says that he loves kaori but he needs to tell ie to her and not to mick, the man has a HELL OF JEALOUSY UNBELIEVABLE and that was last place where i would have seen Ryo what a romantic and poor fella he really was heartbroken just how Mich say he will really need to make up a hell of a story for her to forgive him, the only thing i can tell hime his GOOD LUCK RYO. i hope the next chapter is not gonna take that long. see ya



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: Hmm we discover a new asset of Ryo... he can sing! That was quite original. At last, Ryo's opened his eyes and realised the huge mistake he's done (although I found he believed Mick quite surprisingly easily, OK after a massive fight and few broken chairs & tables, but it sounded almost too easy). Look forward to his next encounter with Kaori. How are they going to behave and what excuses are they going to find to hide their mutual feelings? Cheers, C.



Ville (Pays): Puteaux (France)


Review: Hello Mojca! I apologize because I can't let you reviews as evenly as I need because of that irritating site which bugs so often!! Well, now I'm trying again, hoping the system will accept it today! Your three last chapters are so gripping! I was happy to see that Kaori has found a bitchy side in her, but I'm very worried about Ryô! Where is he and how could he leave his partner alone with that woman, knowing all the risks they incur?! I hope your next post will light up this mistery! As ever, I expect your next chapter impatiently! Kisses!



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: It was so funny with umi! I was laughing so hard when he tried to breath and not faint! haha excellent! but where is ryo?????



Ville (Pays): London (Uk)


Review: WHERE THE HELL IS RYO? poor Kaori now she is feeling bad bcs of this jackass,who should be the one to worry about his attitude toward her. And i never knew Umi was that shy with girls, that so cute a real teddy bear. where's that B**** of Amaya? And why Umi is so sure that his not gonna come back this night? can't wait the next chapter



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: Hello Mojca, yes I'm there, looking forward to your chapter and here it is ;-). Nice chapter, the scene with a Kaori trying to creep toward the Kitchen with all due care made me smile, but her reaction when starled made me laugh hard, especially with her 'she almost peed herself'! The feelings of both characters are very well expressed, I particularly liked Umi's last thought 'I wouldn't'... that could be translated in different ways... It looks like Umibozu is predicting all the guilt, the remorse, the anger against himself, feelings that Ryo may be experiencing right now after having cooled down... I wait and see. Cheers, C. PS: glad to see your inspiration is at its highest level! ;-)



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: Hi Mojca I am sorry i am running late to read your postings; sorry :( So Ryo behaved like a bastard, well i am not surprides, the guy is suffering and taking from granted but circumstances are odd and i can understand that but por Kaori and poor Mick they neither of them deserved his bitter and accusative words...well done to Kaori for putting back Amaya to her place :) Take care and big kiss :)



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: A transition chapter, one that could bring an even more interesting one. I like Kaori's satisfaction, you go girl, you deserve to be satisfied with your prior reaction with Amaya. So where is Ryo? In a bar or already tracking the bad guys down, just to evacuate some inner anger? ;-) I wouldn't also be surprised to see Amaya in the middle of a plot to try and harm City Hunter... anyway, I look forward to reading the next chapter. Cheers, C.



Total: 94 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





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