Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated PG-13 - Prosa


Auteur(s): maiki

Traducteur(s): Mojca

Status: In corso

Serie: City Hunter

Histoire d'origine:



Total: 5 capitoli

Pubblicato: 03-05-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 06-09-05


Commenti: 57 reviews

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Riassunto: The story takes place in 1930, Ryo Saeba is a private detective in charge of protecting a young singer known as Sugar Boy....


Disclaimer: The characters of "1930" belong exclusively to Tsukasa Hojo.


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I do not allow people to change their username on their own yet. Maybe later. So if you want to change your username, contact me and give me your old and new username with your password for authentification.



   Traduction :: 1930


Capitolo 1 :: Chapter 1

Pubblicato: 03-05-05 - Ultimo aggiornamento: 05-05-05

Commenti: It is I again and a new fic, and yes, I could not resist. Without further ado, happy reading to all and especially reviews, reviews and more reviews. Oh, I owe a big thank-you to my beta to whom I gave a lot of work with sorting out my spelling errors. I adore you, my Sarah!!! Kisses to all! (Traducer’s note: my French sucks, so bare with me. I chose this fic, for it seemed simple structured and had a lot of easily comprehensible words in it… but still, if you find any mistakes – especially in some passages there might have been a few misunderstandings – please, feel free to inform me… no rotten vegetables, though... please ^^;)


Capitolo: 1 2 3 4 5


Chapter 1  


March 26, 1930  


My name is Ryo Saeba; private detective specialized in the close-up surveillance of beautiful, young women in distress. A bodyguard of some sorts.  


Why do I only protect women? Isn’t it obvious? If they cannot pay me with money, we can always arrive to some other sort of agreement... You still don’t grasp? It is not that hard! Suffice is to say, my customers pay me in nature. That suits me quite well. Hey, I am just a man not indifferent to female charms! Of course, I too need to score from time to time... They do not call me ‘Stallion of Shinjuku’ for nothing!  


I live alone in a building in the above-mentioned quarter. No wife, no kids. A life without attachments of any kind. My apartment looks a lot like me. No photographs, no portraits, no useless trinkets. Only the strict minimum for a solitary man like me. A bed – used for sleeping - , a closet to store my few possessions in, a bar – I cannot renounce my whiskey when I work on a difficult case –, and a shooting range. It is feels good to train, so I can always be sharp on the job.  


I can live from day to day without anyone noticing it.  

My past? I do not want to remember it anymore. My future? I do not want to think of it. I refuse to think of it. I will probably end up in a coffin. The faster the better. Nevertheless, Death refuses to pay me a visit, so I just continue to roam, waiting for her to make an appearance.  


I accept only my present. And my present tells me I am nursing one hell of a hangover. And all because of that Yank bastard. Mick Angel. My old partner from the States. We offered ourselves one memorable night on the town. I am broke. It might be necessary for me to check for some jobs to repay my debts in all the cabarets, before I am refused entrance. I cannot even imagine it. No more winks from naughty dancers, no more provocative, low-cut décolleté, no alluring glances, or lovely bottoms that ask only to be touched to prove their firmness.  


So, first a nice shower, my usual little anti-hangover mix, a good black coffee, and come on little Japanese women! Not one of them can resist my charms, and maybe tonight I can bring several of them back to my apartment.  


I quickly slipped on my habitual gray trench coat and angled a hat on my head. A cigarette in a corner of the mouth and I was ready to return to my coffee, offered by a former opponent-turned-friend, the terrible Falcon.  


Hah, all these women awaiting only me to satisfy their desires. One more beautiful then the other. Shinjuku, an Earthly Paradise for a man like me.  

Seriously, I love this neighborhood. I cannot explain why. How can one explain he likes to live in the neighborhood, known to be the lowliest and dirtiest in all Japan, where the only people you meet are drug dealers, prostitutes, junkies, homeless, abandoned orphans on every corner? Maybe because they are rejects of society. There is no place for them there, for they were not born with a silver spoon between their teeth. Just like me. Trying to survive however, they can... A society that is governed by money, where aristocracy and bourgeoisie direct this country filling their pockets on the misery of others.  


I was lost in thought, when my eyes dropped on the most beautiful pair of legs I have ever seen. Although, looking more closely... I have seen them before... Oh, well!  

My eyes slid over the woman’s body. From legs to hips, from hips to waist, from waist to breasts, finally resting on her face. A not very common face, no doubt an Eurasian. Black, curved eyelashes fringed her big, almond shaped, emerald green eyes. Her hair was brown and wavy. In addition, her way of walking... I just had to invite her for a cup of coffee.  

I approached her like a perfect gentleman:  


- Hello, miss! I was passing by and your simple beauty made my day. Would you allow me to invite you for some coffee...?  

- No, I do not have time.  


She resumed her walk, accelerating a bit.  


- Then how about dinner... tonight?  


I walked beside her, from left to right in order to catch her attention.  


- No, I do not want to! Leave me in peace.  

- Allow me to insist.  


She stopped. A tiny reddish spot appeared on each cheek, a hand squeezed tight around her hanky.  


- Leave me be. I have to see my fiancé.  

- Fiancé?  

- Yes, ‘fiancé’! Haven’t you seen this ring?  


She lifted her ring finger to her face and I was stunned by the size of the diamond sparkling on her finger. I should have known by the way she moved. There was no doubt she belonged to High Society.  


My shoulders slumped as I went on my way without looking at her. How can a woman like that ever be interested in a broke guy like me.  


What a crappy beginning of a day! I just wanted some company to cheer up my shitty existence.  

What is wrong with me today? It is not like me to pity my own fate.  

Fine, I know there is only one young and pretty woman capable of restoring my good spirit; she is my last hope...  


My feet carried me to Falcon’s cafe. Cat’s Eye. I opened the door slightly. I knew perfectly well that despite his blindness, he sensed my presence long before I arrived. That explained the sudden tension in the air, a murderous aura...  

I moved slowly around the counter in direction of my prey. I took those delicate hands, capturing them tenderly in mine; I smiled one of my most charming smiles.  


- Miki, my sweet, how are you? What a pleasure to see you! You seem to glow brighter every day. You are absolutely ravishing.  


She returned my smile and I could see amusement lit her eyes.  


- Ryo Saeba, you are a compulsive flirt, ready to chase a rag doll if she seemed just a little bit feminine.  

- What? A rag doll? (I took on a false outraged air and continued just to provoke good old Falcon.) I like only beautiful, refined women like you. What a waste you being married to that oaf...  

- If you came here in order to hit on my wife, I will send you home in no time.  

- Why don’t you make yourself useful and serve me some coffee.  


I could have continued to irritate them as I loved to do, but... I just stayed there, contemplating the warmth of the coffee, whiffing in whitish smokes, holding the cup tightly between my palms, trying in vain to feel the warmth soak into my flesh and climb all the way to my heart. The heart that does not feel anything. Of course, I feel it beating in my chest, I can feel it, but... it does not beat with my emotions...  

I cannot say that it would go offbeat upon seeing the woman of my life, that it would flip in my chest seeing the seventh wonder of the world, or that it would beat with a steady tempo, free of all evils, when I crossed glances with a newborn. No. It is closed to all emotions. It beats... only for my survival.  

Without realizing, I put a hand on my chest. Each beat reminding me a little more that I survived…  


The small bell above the cafe door tinkled, announcing the arrival of the Japan’s pervert number two. Big grin, hair slicked back, an impeccable three-piece suit, and a bouquet of red roses in hand.  

I could not help, but smile, seeing his formal attire.  

- What are you doing here with your Yankee plastic smile and flowers snatched from an undertaker?  

- I have an appointment with a charming young woman!  

- Oh, is that so? Who would go out with an idiot like you?  

- The idiot has a date, while I know of someone who is always rejected by women! What can I do if they are all crazy about me!  

I sputtered my coffee, and to make matters worse, Mick never gave me a chance of a smart comeback. He had already told me whom he was spending the evening with. 


Capitolo: 1 2 3 4 5






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