Hojo Fan City




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Rated G - Prosa


Auteur(s): kirari

Traducteur(s): kirari

Status: Completa

Serie: City Hunter

Histoire d'origine:

pour elle!


Total: 1 capitolo

Pubblicato: 01-11-06

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01-11-06


Commenti: 10 reviews

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Riassunto: Ryo is addressed to Kaori with much sincerity.


Disclaimer: The characters of “for her” are the exclusive property of Tsukasa Hojo.


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   Traduction :: For her!


Capitolo 1 :: eternal good bye

Pubblicato: 01-11-06 - Ultimo aggiornamento: 01-11-06

Commenti: My first fanfic on CH then if you could leave me some comments so that I improve. Thank you and Good reading.


Capitolo: 1


In my underworld, only one rule imports: be the strongest. It is not a question of self-centredness but one of survival. It is necessary to be the strongest to survive, for those with which one holds survive, so that our loves survive.  

I am not an ordinary man, that’s true. I have a strong character. I am handsome, strong, fears and respected by every one. When one attacks me, one never sets out again unscathed. Yes, I am Ryo SAEBA the largest hunter of the city. I have an important notoriety in this underworld.  

I have all to be happy. And if I am today, it is only because someone else belongs to my life. This person made reappear in me the desire of a future life. Stop living with the past, and think of the future, now for me it’s possible.  

When everything goes bad, we think that nothing could change our life, That we undergo our destiny. However, a simple gesture, a simple smile, a heart which beats for you, thanks to you, can change all your life. A gesture which proves that we are in life, someone to protect, to love.  

The more time passes, the more my heart changes. It is now tenderized, softened, opened. Now it beats because it lives. And I feel it beat. I feel it beat each time I see her. I feel it beat each time I feel her. I feel it beat each time I hear her. She is vital for me.  

To take her in my arms, to embrace her and to forget everything. To forget during a few minutes, a few seconds who I am and why I am. To taste the pleasure, the peace. Just to think of the moment present. Of Her and Me. Of Us, our life, our Future.  

Because Future there will be. As long as she will be there, close to me, with me, for me. Whether is physically or mentally. She is my present, She is my future, She is my life, my hope, my essence. I want to be for her the foundation to build her future.  

Kaori my darling! You are everything for me. The most beautiful, the most affectionate, the strongest. And this beauty, this tenderness and this force, you transmit it to me. Because each day I fight only for you. You are my raison of being and the only words I want to say to you are simple: I love you!  

I love you! These words, I already said them to you several times, as well in the moments of great doubts as in the peaceful moments. But today if I say them to you, it is because just a year ago I said them to you. Just a year ago we loved oneself freely and sincerely for the first time.  

And while today, the tears with the eyes, I tell you these 2 magic words, while you you are extended in your bed without life, I know that the flame of our love will never die.  

Because you and me we are definitively dependent. Your body is without life but your heart remains through something of single. One day, it is sure, I will come to join you.  

But before I will take care on this small innocent thing deadened in the small cradle close to you. I will take care of this child who is fruit of our love. I will take care of the single person who, from now on, will make beat my heart and will maintain me in life. I will take care of your baby, Our baby. Because he is you and he is me; he is us, it is our child, Our baby.  

For you, me, us… for her!  



Capitolo: 1






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