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Data File

Rated R - Prosa


Auteur(s): Mojca

Traducteur(s): CHANLYR

Status: In corso

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 1 capitolo

Pubblicato: 31-12-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-03-06


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   Reviews :: Ce que homme veut



Total: 94 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Ville (Pays): London (Uk)


Review: I hope he's not gonna go mad after finding Umi at his place. and what Kaori is gonna read from Umi mind.next next next next next next



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: Ok one more try... this site won't let me write you a review, every time something goes wrong... anyway, I can't wait to see what kaori will read from falcon's mind! It was so funny how scary he is of two women... other than that not much to say, you chapter was excellent as always!



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: I love it! Love it! love it!!! when kaori finda inner bitch... just so well done! and thanks for posting so frequently! I can't wait to read the next chapter!



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: After such a difficult night and morning, I am v pleased to see that Kaori has still some will / some bitchiness in her ;-). She was not going to stand another go at her, especially from that woman who thinks too high of herself! Well-done Kaori (and well-done Mojca for this new chapter). Cheers, C.



Ville (Pays): London (Uk)


Review: That my girl right there fighting for her man, that b**** has no chance against our Kaori, and when Ryo will find what kind of evil she is she is goinf to regret meeting city hunter, next next next



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: Oh Mojca what a chapter! What a f*cking asshole!!! How could ryo say such things! How can he be so cruel!!! This scene was so intense! wow, your style is definetly unique on this site, and I love it! But please don't let this misunderstanding ruins everything! even if what ryo said... it will be hard to do as if nothing happened...



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: Ouaah these were two powerful chapters and one word only springs to mind to describe Ryo's behaviour: 'w...er' (I will not dare to spell it entirely ;-). I was expecting a similar reaction but not as harsh as this one, how does he dare calling Koari a whore?!! His jealousy is completely taking his senses away! It's going to be tough for him to gain Kaori's confidence and trust after that one, he definitely went too far. As usual, I look forward to reading the next development. Cheers, C.



Ville (Pays): Puteaux (France)


Review: Oh Mojca you’re so cruel! I’ve discovered your fanfic today and I’ve read it all at once as it was so exciting! I really love your style; the descriptions are perfect and the story original, and there’s so much sensuality in Ryô’s dreams. Your last chapter has broken my little heart: I’m so sad because of that misunderstanding between Kaori and Ryô and your comment frightened me. I expected your next post with a great impatience. Congratulations for your good job.



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: hello Mojca :) You made me laugh with Kaori and Mick's exchanges :) Ryo seems really pissed off to speak to Miki that way but it is more likely that that the guy is desperate not to know where her partner is gone...and i guess that finding her coming out of his best buddy's shower is not gonna help him calm down :) Take care my firend and loking forward for your next chapter :) :)



Ville (Pays): London (Uk)


Review: hi just read the new chapter God i hope Ryo's not gonna kill Mick poor man for once he didn't do anything i fear for his life, my god i never see Ryo so jealous kaori is a lucky girl but i'm waiting for his reaction when he found her at Mick's place and on towel, can't wait for the next chapter



Total: 94 - Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





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