Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated R - Prosa


Autore: Mojca

Status: In corso

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 25 capitoli

Pubblicato: 01-08-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 07-04-07


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Riassunto: A little twist on the Mel Gibson movie. And a little twist on the challenge - Kaori can hear the thoughts of all men. I hope Naomy doesn't mind (I beg your forgiveness in advance) and I hope I can make you laugh...


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   Reviews :: What men want



Total: 94 - Pagine : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: I don't know what to say, this chapter is great as usual!!! I hate this other girl! grrr....



Ville (Pays): / (Uk)


Review: Hi Mojca, great to reading you again. That Amaya seems quite scary with her obession towards Ryo. It will take some time for her to realise that all her attempts in trying to snatch Ryo away from Kaori will be to no avail. In the meantime Ryo is not going to like when he finds out where Kaori spent her night. I look forward to his reaction, as well as Kaori's when she has to face him and her feelings / images she has still in mind. XX. C.


Alice in WonderlandEmail

Ville (Pays): Louvain (Belgique)


Review: Hi! Amaya is really confidend in her chances. (I don't like her!). It's a pleasure to read you!! I wish you all the best! I hope we'll read the rest soon! xxx



Ville (Pays): London (United kingdom)


Review: hey i love your story it so great but the client is so freaky i hope everything will end well for Ryo and Kaori,and that freak of amaya will leave with nothing but shame, i can't wait for the next chapter



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: Hello Mojca :) Nice to read more on that story :) Where is Kaori gone, i wonder...Amaya is pushing her luck i think, she is no match for Kaori and her pitiful attempts to lure and drag Ryo to herself are totally lost on him, or are they ? He seems realizing that she felt for him, that is a start but i wonder if she has anything to do with kaori's vanishing ? Take car Big kiss Grifter :)


Alice in WonderlandEmail

Ville (Pays): Louvain (Belgique)


Review: I love this story. You're writing style is fabulous. I hope you'll show the rest soon! (No Mop, you're not the one, I'm there too!) You're doing a great job, go further like this! kiss



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: Am I the only one to read this fabulous fic? I am sad you don't get more reviews but it is probably because it is in English...not because of the quality...it can't be! this fic is really great! I love it! love your style, your ideas... and hope I'll have the next chapter very soon! :)



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: yes!!! a new chapter!!! As you said it's getting very hard for kaori and more dramatic...who is this person that kaori heard? argh I hope we won't have to wait months before the next chapter! I really love your style and this story so please, post the next chapter soon!!!! take care



Ville (Pays): Paris (France)


Review: hi Mojca :) I wish i could tell of Ryo 's wet dreams as well as you do;you are as always so descerptive in your prose :) I hope Amaya will not be in their way too long? Do not make my beg for the following sequel Mojca, but i feel like it !:) take care my friend :)



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: where is the continuation ??????????? T_T please write us the next chapiter soon!! I hope you are doing well and happy new year!



Total: 94 - Pagine : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





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