Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated PG - Prose


Auteur: macema

Status: En cours

Série: City Hunter


Total: 8 chapitres

Publiée: 07-02-10

Mise à jour: 14-08-10


Commentaires: 2 reviews

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Résumé: A killer, darkness and loyal friends....


Disclaimer: All of characters of "In the darkness" are exclusive property of Hojo Tsukasa


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   Fanfiction :: In the darkness...


Chapitre 3 :: Chapter 3

Publiée: 07-02-10 - Mise à jour: 30-07-10


Chapitre: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Kazue was once again getting data from the device. The curve was still performing it's suspects peaks, but it also indicated that at least her patient was alive. She took the opportunity to put some new paper in the electro-encephalogram. Then she cast a glance at the man lying on the bed.  


Ryo's face was closed, nothing calm shone there. A bandage encircled his head and he was connected to different devices.  


Kazue would have given anything to feel the hand of Ryo stroll toward her. But nothing since those three days, nothing had happened.  


She glanced at another monitor and saw that it also had those peaks. Since he had arrived at the Doc's place, apart from some periodic crisis, all the examinations were correct. Doc still couldn't understand where those spikes in Baby Face tension could come from , and has announced to everyone that they could only wait for his awakening.  


The old man didn't had too much trouble to remove the shrapnel from the bullet that had been lodged in the temple of the sweeper.  


- His head is the strongest I have ever seen, Doc had said after leaving the operating room.  


And since, Ryo's body had taken back some beautiful colors, but Doc couldn't determine why, since then, he refused to wake up, because he was certain that it was Ryo's conscience that kept him from coming back and perhaps, this could explain the peaks noted on the ECG, EEG and blood pressure... And nothing so far, no evidence had announced his awakening.  


Kazue sighed, then taken back her notebook, she announced to Ryo in a tone she wanted gay:  


- I promised to Kaori to give her some news about you, so see you later!  


And closing the door, she walked to the next room.  




Kaori .... Kaori ... The name came to him suddenly. How long had he spent without thinking about her ? He refused to open his eyes. The darkness was reassuring him for the moment, he had no desire to rediscover the last sight of his angel on the ground. Where were they ? Still in their apartment's living room or had their friends found them ? How long would they spent their before some help arrive ?  


How was she ? What were her injuries ? How could I hurt her so much ? Why did I say this sentence to her ?  


<<<<<<<<<< Flash Back <<<<<<<<<<  


This famous morning, he had heard her going through the kitchen to prepare his breakfast. He knew that she would soon come to wake him, and smiled, thinking of the vision she would offer him. As usual, she would smell of this of vanilla scent that suited her so well, this perfume that push him to linger a little longer in the bathroom sometimes... She would have to shake him once again to wake him up...  


He turned on his side and closed his eyes ... That's when she reached the door of his room.  


- Wake up Ryo, hurry up, you lazy ! she shouted from across the room.  


Under the sheets, Ryo smiled and while pretending to turn his face against the pillow, he groaned ....  


- Come on Ryo! We need to go see if we have some job ....  


She approached the bed and began to shake him, pulling at his right arm. Suddenly, she felt herself being lift and landed on the bed on the other side of her partner ...  


>>>>>>>>>> End of Flash back >>>>>>>>>>  


No, he refused to think about it now. His head was heavy and his heart still clung in his chest. To delve into the darkness, yes, he wanted to sink a little longer to make him feel better. After he would think about it ...  


The monitors began to blink again, and seconds later, everything returned to normal.  




It was gnawing at Saeko's patience. She headed for the police station while reflecting on the situation. Three days later, her investigation still had not progressed and her superiors were beginning to wonder about her absences away from the office. She had to quickly found something that would put her on the track.  


Mick, Reika and Umibozu had toured their informers, but none had heard about someone who would want to attack Ryo. In the underworld, the rumor of the death or of the injury of City Hunter still hadn't been leaked out. Until now, nobody boasted about it.  


- It's really strange! She thought, If the killer had wanted to make a name for himself, it was the perfect opportunity to make himself known in the underworld by releasing his achievement.  


They had finally realized that the living room of their friends had not suffered a burst of ball to be found in this state. Kaori had stuck a rage against her partner and had destroyed the room. The inspector had retrieved the bullet which was lodged in the wall, the one that had almost taken the life of Ryo. She had managed to determine that the man had used a shotgun Dragunov, but the weapon was too common in Japan to search from a single bullet.  


The research in Mick's building had given them almost nothing. No footprints, the door had been forced, and in the bedroom from where the man had fired, they had found two casings. They only had, in all and for all, the sketch that Mick had given about the sniper. Not a single other track was coming out yet.  


Suddenly she had a flash. Two sockets! two! But there had only been one bullet shot to her knowledge. Where were the remains of the second bullet?  


Giving a great swerve, she caused her car to turn to one hundred twenty-four degrees and got bach on the road toward Mick's apartment. 


Chapitre: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






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