Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated G - Prose


Auteur(s): therry

Traducteur(s): oceane28

Status: Complète

Série: City Hunter


Total: 1 chapitre

Publiée: 07-05-06

Mise à jour: 07-05-06


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Résumé: Ryô débarque au Etats Unis et il découvre un nouveau monde que la guerre.


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Ville (Pays): AZopXG2BLX (X3cc6kpt9ky)


Review: copy of a vital document isn't acceptable to a court.(much less a copy of a vital document that contains layers and has been deemed a forgery by every expert who's seen it.)



Ville (Pays): 65tC6gKa (Pchwmg0ej)


Review: / I’m typically to blogging and i in reality revere your gratify. The article has actually peaks my interest. I’m free to bookmark your web place and retain glance for brand smack original information.



Ville (Pays): ARwag83C (6ogmxqwhcpz0)


Review: Yo he estado jugando y no he notado nada. La verdad que hay gente que tiene tiempo para todo, además, si por algo así rebajan nota en revistas especializadas o blogs respetables (no quiero mencionar que este lo es), es para colgarlos de los huevos hasta que se arrepientan.¡Disfrutad de esta maravilla, coño! xDDEl juego es puro HAMOR.


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Ville (Pays): 0ksx9aNsU (Tg1blslbpobp)


Review: Lets not victimify the Chinese too much here. Like Hindus (most notably in the Fiji Islands), and yes, like the Jewish diaspora, they tend to accumulate a hugely disproportionate amount of economic and political power.This is not about the "undertrodden" Chinese, its a taste of the future.



Ville (Pays): U2h0mwcA (Gxjqjevvplaz)


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Ville (Pays): B3HkJ310w9YS (Tebaj34glzde)


Review: Is it my obligation to strike awkward poses because someone else can't unclench?Good lord that's condescending. Key words here are "driver of the Brinks truck." Driver of the Brinks truck. It's his paycheck and even his life on the line. You're free to do a fan dance with a pistol if you like, and he's free not to go into condition white just to avoid offending you.



Ville (Pays): UZYihEHOoZI (Ky0iuoll)


Review: The liberal agenda keeps pumping up Obamacare without knowing what is in it. As in Pelosi's own words, "you have to pass Obamacare so you know what is in it" . That was about a stupid statement, especially coming from someone in Congress who is suppose to know what is going on and what they are selling the public and these pumpers continue to badmouth the Romney campaign for trying to get rid of it. We are on S.S., Medicare payments for each of us are about $100.00 / mo , wife's Medicare pres. plan another 43.00 mo. , her secondary coverage – 205.00 mo. and we still pay about another $5,000.00 / year out of pocket. Obamacare is going to make this better, in your dreams !!



Ville (Pays): XzZ3smXL (7ivxxzix1i)


Review: I just wanted to let you know that your LJ feed cuts off here: “Waking up with my boy after a night [...]” And I was like “Oh NOOO! TMI! TMI!” and then I clicked over to here and read “of karaoke with friends” and I was. So. Relieved.


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Ville (Pays): ZNDNoTU2hy1y (Pjow0p65jdp)


Review: Interesant si util acest articol. Totusi, mai multa atentie la detalii va rog. In poza 2 puteati sa puneti niste protectii prizelor, ca tot vorbeste articolul de siguranta copilului.



Ville (Pays): R7EnEVwSJL0A (Wkozyb1bq52)


Review: Well done gentlemenI’ve just bought a copy and it is VERY good value. The “John Shaw” diffused background is dead as of now!Thanks for your work.My bestNiall



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