Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated G - Prose


Auteur(s): therry

Traducteur(s): oceane28

Status: Complète

Série: City Hunter


Total: 1 chapitre

Publiée: 07-05-06

Mise à jour: 07-05-06


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Résumé: Ryô débarque au Etats Unis et il découvre un nouveau monde que la guerre.


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Ville (Pays): 97GAYmZBtK (Yy8ulz2nt)


Review: Obrigado caro André!.O mind-map dos primeiros quatro capítulos está feito..Estou a pensar em chamar ao primeiro capítulo "A Grande Charada"..Quanto ao título... a sua proposta é, em si mesma, um cumprimento..Obrigado pela companhia na caminhada, pelo feedback e pela ajuda.


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Ville (Pays): 6Dn2nRTEldJ (Brjlieiyz0p)


Review: Kaitlyn–you don't look funny! And I never once saw you glare. Amanda–I think the book count I came home with was over 30–mostly signed. I couldn't believe it. I had to check a bag on the flight home no matter how I tried to cram them all into my carry-on. These ladies had to mail home about 4 boxes a piece! Crazy, I tell ya!



Ville (Pays): InJmeXp6 (0eugx95j7f0)


Review: Essa revista é muito injustiçada! Sei que ela não está mal lá fora mas já era pra todos saberem que ela é sem dúvida nenhuma umas das melhores coisas desenvolvidas entre qualquer editora que exista! Etrigan….agora é a sua vez, meu chapa chifrudo, você e seus amigos estão com tudo! Parabéns Paul Cornell e Diógenes Neves!!! Parabéns como disse o amigo venerável, por terem “colhões” !!!! Eu quero é mais!


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Ville (Pays): Y2IZIepzepB (Jrcq0zuf)


Review: Es similar a Elance, pero con un modelo en el que tanto la empresa como el profesional tienen acceso a todas las funciones de la plataforma. No obstante, el servicio cobra un 10% sobre el preci de cada trato que se cierra.


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Ville (Pays): SaPicQXf (Drd2iznw2mz)


Review: Hi Rob, I was exhibiting as well and I'm gutted that I didn't see your table there and get to say hello to you. When I'm at these things, I try not to leave my post for too long so my circle of the hall in the afternoon was very, very cursory. I'm sorry that you didn't sell more comics. Hopefully, at the next one of these things we'll get to meet.


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Ville (Pays): OMXyDBClMSUk (05d8cfrnti)


Review: Some of those who came running to get in on the lucrative FIT contracts were already here and had been pushing for a few years to get a cut of the money that Hydro brought in every year. They wanted a share of the Hydro revenues/money and they got big pieces of it with FIT contracts since the present government came in.The “green” lobby was only the public face of pushing for the Green Energy Act. Others waiting behind the scenes?


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Ville (Pays): GlK5puwPJO (2y7k1nzpv)


Review: Ini, C had it before we moved here actually, and we moved here almost 3 years ago. So it's been kicking for a while. Mrs. Cocoa, I'll make it a point to include some recipes and some foods that Layla has liked in a future blog entry. Let me go gather some things and create a blog entry for tomorrow on that very subject. Thanks for visiting!



Ville (Pays): CjDyMwFy (Xew4ytcpud)


Review: Isso mostra o quanto a liberdade de opinião só existe para gente como essa juíza que não tem mais nada melhor do que fazer. Pelo jeito, é mais fácil colocar um humorista na cadêia que bandidos de fato. Ah, talvez, o Rafinha seja um bandido sim, mas portador da palavra bandida. Perdoi-me merétrissima...


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Ville (Pays): ForYMIZA (0njm7tt9qda)


Review: The coffee case is everybody’s favorite case. The award in the coffee case was lowered by the judge to a more reasonable amount. Also, my recollection is that the restaurant in question was aware that their coffee was “beyond hot” and had memos on it which included the sentiment that it would be cheaper to deal with a lawsuit than change out all the coffee pots/systems in the many restaurants. The verdict was the jury’s way of telling the restaurant that that decision was not the right one.


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Ville (Pays): YO1980KuG (Aco63mtlp71h)


Review: Thanks for the helpful post. It is also my opinion that mesothelioma cancer has an particularly long latency phase, which means that signs of the disease would possibly not emerge right until 30 to 50 years after the 1st exposure to mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma, which is the most common type and impacts the area about the lungs, will cause shortness of breath, torso pains, including a persistent cough, which may lead to coughing up body.



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