Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated PG-13 - Prose


Author: A. Dust

Status: Completed

Series: City Hunter


Total: 2 chapters

Published: 03-06-22

Last update: 10-06-22


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Summary: "Je vais en finir avec Kaïbara. Je l'affronterai en duel." En prononçant ces mots, Ryo est loin de se douter qu'il y aura d'autres combats à mener. Et il ne sera pas le seul à devoir affronter ses démons.


Tricks & Tips

I'm almost 18. Can I get access to the NC-17 section?


No. Legally, you are not major, before you are 18 years old. I don't care if it's in a day or a week. Make your request when you are actually 18.



   Reviews :: Du commencement, on peut augurer la fin



No fanfiction available for this series in this language.






   Angelus City © 2001/2005


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