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Data File

Rated G - Prosa


Autore: Lune

Status: Completa

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 1 capitolo

Pubblicato: 06-01-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 06-01-05


» Ecrire une review




Riassunto: Un chapitre unique pour le tragique évènement qui a frappé plusieurs pays du sud. Une histoire où l'on retrouve une très belle qualité, la solidarité.


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Why isn't there HTML file of the NC-17 fanfictions?


Since it's impossible to check who's reading those fanfictions in the HTML format, the fanfictions NC-17 are only available in php version.



   Reviews :: City Hunter: Hommage au 26 décembre 2004



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Ville (Pays): 6ftk7dObVtW3 (Iuxavn8w8m1k)


Review: Che si sia reso conto della sua posizione di intruso sulla cattedra di Pietro? e se dopo di lui verrà qualcuno che farà scoppiare tutta la tempesta adunata da tanto imperversare di vento, vorrà dire che Dio sta preparando la chiarificazione decisiva…Deo gratias!


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Ville (Pays): 8D1NIZhJY (Rbczvzb8cs)


Review: Vous m’appelez ?Tel le bon génie, je veux bien sortir de ma lampe (plutôt que jaillir de ma boîte comme aiment à dire les Anglais), mais pour quoi faire, au juste ?



Ville (Pays): RNbvDKU2ip (F7deull68)


Review: i always think it's so cool for being bilingual or more. i learned German once by myself, but it didn't turn out good because i ended up knowing 5 sentences. i was once dreaming in spanish and i don't even speak spanish except that i listened to a Shakira's song in spanish,haha.



Ville (Pays): JBgWKE2q2J (Ejfrklbwpy)


Review: Vanessa comentou em 26 de dezembro de 2012 às 16:09. Amei!! Eu topo uma passo a passo ao vivo con essa galera toda hahaha projeto pra esse ano hein! Hehe um bjo e feliz 2013 pra todos o petiscos com certeza fez parte deste ano! Que venham mais! Bjos.


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Ville (Pays): 27I8f1Mp1Vt7 (Mqpzkdrf)


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Ville (Pays): TGqQX7EqdJQ (Pjwuk9hcy)


Review: "2) Even IF they had a device that could produce that frequency, they can't produce the kind of POWER needed to physically agitate that target earth layer; and lastly"Os emissores da HAARP não são electrónicos. A CIA, em conjunto com a Mossad e o grupo de Bilderberg, desenvolveram emissores neutrónicos que alimentam com bombas atómicas.Metem milhares de bombas atómicas nas caves do complexo e fazem-nas explodir em simultâneo para libertar neutrões suficientes para alimentar os emissores... nada mais simples.



Ville (Pays): DzSkL5BleKoM (Rtrqjmzvyw0)


Review: I have 4 year old twins, that cough all night. I have been giving them robitussin dm to help them. I would love to try this product to give them something a lot better for them. I would love to win!!!



Ville (Pays): S055JqJj (Denvg7m8)


Review: There are various sources which suggest that reading can really help us through the bad times, such as these ones discussing the effect of reading on depression: Reading your way out of depression, and Reading as a Form of Depression Therapy.


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Ville (Pays): CTUNmxje (0phzxq7anj)


Review: E lá vem a sandra mumes descendo a ladeira desabaladamente, louca para atropelar, trôpega ao debater, zonza ao levar na cara e, enfim, feliz… por enfernizar a vida de quem ousa dar-lhe atenção.Irmãos, esqueçam-na, pois é definitivamente empedernida. Já foi alertada e não acreditou; entreguem-na ao Divisor.



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