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Data File

Rated G - Prosa


Autore: Lune

Status: Completa

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 1 capitolo

Pubblicato: 06-01-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 06-01-05


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Riassunto: Un chapitre unique pour le tragique évènement qui a frappé plusieurs pays du sud. Une histoire où l'on retrouve une très belle qualité, la solidarité.


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   Reviews :: City Hunter: Hommage au 26 décembre 2004



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Ville (Pays): HqYy1Jx2 (X4pkmnx7t)


Review: ALL of it is because of my videos about John McCain and our Corrupt and Evil Government. It all started right after I posted them. No kidding. And, since I posted them, my local Rep., John Doolittle, did the same as McCain and sent GESTAPO GOONS to my home...


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Ville (Pays): XEB94kZScmyS (Ha3bfs4itgb)


Review: An average Nigerian banker is unhappy.It is fear of the unknown that is keeping them on the job.It takes a person with gut to leave certainity for uncertainty as the saying goes a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush..You are lucky you got out,so many people wanna get out too.But I agree with you If you are still there you got to do what you have to do…and I hope someday those unhappy will be bold enough to take a leap of faith and move on to something else.



Ville (Pays): RFfc7HZ3 (Gxw2ndkj)


Review: Hello!I hav a favor to ask of you~ Could you please add an RSS Feed for the Ikuta_toma LJ community to the toolbar or could you tell me hopw to add one?thanks in advance :D


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Ville (Pays): L79ykNs2b4GW (Ouqclmzpju)


Review: Ah então tudo bem, eu tenho pensado em subir o processador no maximo até 4.1GHz mesmo com solução de arrefecimento a ar. Então tranquilo, vou ver o preço dessas placas no RJ e colocar mãos a obra aqui.Novamente obrigado e boa noite.


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Ville (Pays): HK7jgyeMmBSx (Nj4dydrfebzt)


Review: Obrigado, Andrea.Espero continuar a ineressar-te por mais um par de anitos, enquanto o blogger nos deixar e este país tiver meios para continuar a manter a rede.Dizem que vamos ser expulsos do euro, já viste a desgraça que era se alguém se lembrasse de nos expulsar da net?Um abraço para ti também.


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Ville (Pays): O1zYfpLHtZ (I6qgsyril3)


Review: Le commentaire supprimé avait trait à la vie privée de Cyprien Gaillard et n’avait donc rien à faire ici. Sinon, assez d’accord avec toi sur ce bilan du prix Duchamp. J’ai plutôt confiance en Cantor, on verra dans un an.


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Ville (Pays): FEksFn3WNMj (Fgooyorg8efs)


Review: Hello, I bought this helicopter about 2 year ago… however, I seem to have lost the instruction manual… do you think you could tell me wether or not the “CHARGE” LED is supposed to light up while charging or not ? ( I connected the battery about an hour ago, and the LED was not turned on before about 5 minutes ago).


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Ville (Pays): Ixeh7v2WFiz (R3sizpwa5f)


Review: Ouh la la Bonie ! Avec vous le blog va devoir tenir le rythme, même le week-end… Quelle fan Mais désolé, non, ce n’est pas le beauf de base.Bon, allez, je vous cherche un dessin pour donner un indice ! Promis, aujourd’hui !


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Ville (Pays): Ub4brN7Ao (B4zssmfycx1)


Review: , we need to live the questions rather than seek THE answer to questions. And Chittister will say the very questions are the transformation we seek. In other words, keep questioning and questing through all of life and you will find the Meaning of life. Not easy, but it is real.Love going your way!


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Ville (Pays): Onyjk3Bitzyl (4bvyxvljv6)


Review: I don’t support Planned Parenthood. I don’t think that the good things they do negate the bad. There are other ways to get affordable health care as a woman through the government, that doesn’t support murdering babies.



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