Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated R - Prosa


Autore: Mojca

Status: Completa

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 29 capitoli

Pubblicato: 22-03-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21-01-06


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   Reviews :: What if...



Total: 102 - Pagine : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: Hey Mojca. Lucky for you I'm not next to you, I could strangle you. How can you be that sadistic !! They finaly find each other again and it all seems to be going wel, but no ! You have to screw it up again ! Argh ! Why don't men have a brain that works correctly !? Why can't Ryo see that helping won't leave ! He has already been on cover of magazines with Kaori and their love story is in every tabloid ! Nobody is going to believe they broke up and Kaori will still be a target. Let's just hope his mother will be able to talk some sense into him (very nice touch that by the way, him calling his mom) I would have expected Pandora to say something, seen big mouthed and stubborn she can be, I would have though she would talk him out of it or try to reason him. Together with Kaori, she's the only person Ryo would never hurt no matter what state of mind he is in or what was said to him by her. I just hope you will post your next chapter very very soon and that it will be a big happy ending ! (otherwise me be very very angry at you ^^ lol ) In any case, I once again would like to thank you for this story. It was grand and beautiful and heartbreaking and and and.... Well you get the picture lol It is one of the masterpiece of the site (and if more people understood english I'm sure they would think the same ^^) See ya ! Life



Ville (Pays): Oakland (Usa)


Review: oh mais dis c'est effrayant ça. Et moi qui pensais au chapitre précédant qu'ils allaient repartir du bon pied. Mince, c'est pire là :( je ne vois pas une happy end se profiler à l'horizon. A moins que pris de remords, il débarque. Ou alors Mick l'aura appelé. Ou alors sa mère sera intervenu. Ou alors le médecin l'aura contacté ou Eriko. Ca peut pas se terminer comme ça. snif snif snif



Ville (Pays): Strbg (France)


Review: Hello Mojca !! Désolée de n'avoir pas laissé de reviews pr les autres chap ^^ Gomen !! Sinon j'adore toujours autant ton histoire je l'a trouve géniale. Et grâce à toi, l'année se termine bien lol. J'ai hâte de lire la suite et j'espère que Kaori s'en remettra très vite. Vite vite la suite car j'adooore Bisous



Ville (Pays): Liège (Bel)


Review: hey mojca, je suis contente que tu aies écrit hier. Ce chapitre est très beau et la chanson colle bien avec leurs pensées. J'ai hâte de lire la suite car a mon avis c'est pandora et ryo qui ont sonné à la porte... bisous



Ville (Pays): Oakland (Usa)


Review: how beautiful the parralel between the two of them ^_^ how "romantic" it is. And I am quite happy to see that she decided to win him back. But the end of the chapter is full of suspens: who is the one that rings at her door? and will she succeed in making it come true?



Ville (Pays): Liège (Bel)


Review: hello mojca, it's very sweet chapter.My God! why kaori is very idiote girl, grrr, she irritade me! she has a problem in her head. And, what does he mind in the end the chapter, the mysterious man. It isn't good for kaori and crew... I hope that you have written the following chapter. Thank you mojca for the good time... loves



Ville (Pays): Liège (Bel)


Review: salut jeune fille, alors tu nous reviens encore avec un super chapitre. Je me demande quelle rôle a kazumi et quelle est la faveur que kaori demande? Bref, j'ai hâte de lire ce que tu nous réserve. gros bious



Ville (Pays): Nice (France)


Review: Hello Mojca!! i like your fic very much!!! It's very sad but i hope that Ryo and Kaori will be together again...Vivement le prochain chapitre!!! Bisous



Ville (Pays): Liège (Bel)


Review: hey mojca, j'adore toujours ton histoire. Surtout que cela tourne mal pour ryo. Je suis vraiment fâché sur lui!!!! Quel changement de comportement... Il est vraiment perturbé. La pauvre kaori, j'espère qu'elle s'en remettra mais si elle apprend ce que Ryo va faire, elle ne lui pardonnera pas. Mojca écrit vite la suite car sinon je prépare déjà ta tombe lol. gros bisous ma belle



Ville (Pays): Montpellier (France)


Review: Dear Mojca, I felt so mad reading your chapter... you're really mean with our beloved characters... and the way Ryo changed is so sudden... that disappoints me... anyway you're great and hope to read the next chater very quickly...



Total: 102 - Pagine : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11





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