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Data File

Rated R - Prosa


Autore: Mojca

Status: Completa

Serie: City Hunter


Total: 29 capitoli

Pubblicato: 22-03-05

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21-01-06


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   Reviews :: What if...



Total: 102 - Pagine : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



Ville (Pays): Denver (Usa)


Review: Finally you came back. And you did it with a BANG! You made me seat and you made me drool, darlin'. I'm looking forward to the next. And make it quick, before I melt down. tc, A.



Ville (Pays): Luik (Bel)


Review: hello mojca, je suis heureuse quetu aie majé cette fic ( desoler de ne pas avoir ecrit un review plus tôt!). bref, j'adore cette fic, et ryo est trop mignon surtout lorsqu'il est jaloux... vivement la suite de cette fic. bisoux



Ville (Pays): Bxl (Belgique)


Review: Salut ,je viens de lire les 5 chapitres d'un coup et j'ai trouvée cette fictrès interessante .Elle me plait bien ,l'ecriture est parfaite et le sujet me plait.c'est très bien d'avoir eu cette idée ,ca change un peu .(lol) Les chapitres sontrès long mais c'est bien et en plus chaque chapitre donne envie de lire le suivant . J'espere vraiment que la suite va rriver très bientôt parce que j'adore ,seulement je me pose une question : Ryô dit que Kaori est la seule femme qu'il veut ,pourtant à la fin on voit une femme ou ...je ne sais quoi (lol) dire "moi aussi je t'aime" ou un truc comme ça .QUI EST CETTE PERSONNE??? je veux savoir (lol) allez envooie vite la suite j'ai hate de lire ça! biz



Ville (Pays): Bruxelles (Belgique)


Review: All right !! That's it !! Next time we talk, you'll have to cough everything up girl !!! I can't stand it no more ! Your story is just so captivating that I HAVE to know all there is to know !! And I'll torture you, nice and slow, if I have too LOL What happened to Pandora's parents ? How did it involve Ryo ? And what is the bond between Mick, Falcon and Ryo ? How did they get involved ? How are Hideyuki and Saeko going to take the news that Kaori and Ryo are a couple ? And... And... And... Well you get the idea ^_^ So hang on to your sanity because with my questions, you'll will probably loose it !! See you soon !! Big kiss, Life



Ville (Pays): New Orleans (La)


Review: Hi, Mojca! A friend of mine, who is a great fan of CH and hooked me in the process, suggested I visit this site, and especially read "What if..." by [quote] someone with a strange screen-name [end quote]. I did read it and I must say I've never read something even remotely similar to it. You've created a brave new world for these characters, though their feelings are still the same. I adore your depiction of Kaori (as a "tough cookie") and subsequently Ryo (he's just so sweet, and utterly mysterious with that Krav Maga sequence in the "Dreaming" - what was that all about?). You gave us this whole new universe to enjoy, and then you stopped, just like that - in JUNE, might I add. What happened? Get over it, whatever IT is, girl, and continue, because I can't stand being left out in the rain (sorry the metaphore) until you post the next chapter. In hope it will be really soon (today, if possible) I will say goodbye. You really are great, Aline.



Ville (Pays): Gorizia (Italia)


Review: (ti napisem tukaj,saj ti je isto)torej,za rect po pravici sem se odpovedala branju ze po prvem odstavku..bi zelela it naprej ampak nisem prav mojster v anglescini..sem razumela prve vrstice ampak pole ni tako lahko,pol od usega mi je neznano(-.-)znam da delam "skifo",saj nisem za jezike(niti za nemscino)ehe,se rodijo tudi taki ljudje^^,vsekakor bom pocakala da ti lepo prevedes za manganet,nestrpno cakam^^ciiau,ciiau



Ville (Pays): MARSEILLE (France)


Review: I love your fanfiction.It's so funny to see Ryo run after Kaori.What is the secret between Falcon, Mick and Ryô? Please I want to read the Chapter 14.Thanks (Sorry for my english)



Ville (Pays): Doha (Qatar)


Review: Waow that was a great chapter (and so were the others). I really loved the way you've set it out with the storm and stuff, that made the tension grow even bigger before the release - and what a release!! you really spoilt us with that happy / romantic ending of chapter and i am not the one who's gonna complain about it and especially as it was really really well written and don't be afraid to be carried away by the romance mood, we girls all like it! heeheehee!! other than that, I really love Pandora's personallity, she's got the same of kind of thoughts as Mick and Ryo but yet she's much more subtle than them, that makes all the charm of the character to me. I wonder what happened to her parents and if it has something to do with the attack in one of the previous chapters, I hope you'll enlight us soon on that point, pleeeez!! so what else can I say? oh I know ... you're such a great writer and update soon, I can't wait for the next chapter eventhough you didn't really leave on a cliffhanger!! that was the end review surprise. Luv, Engel



Ville (Pays): Marseille (France)


Review: Hello Mojca! This fic is fantastic. I love it. I like your humour and the character of the personages and the ambiance. I enjoy the relation between Kaori and Ryo. I tried reading it in English because I want to know what will happen and what happened. Who is actually Ryo in this alternative world? How has he met Mick and Ijuin? But my English is not good enough. So I must wait for the translation. Merci à toi aussi Rory pour ton super travail. Gros bisous à toutes les deux.



Ville (Pays): Liège (Bel)


Review: mojcaaa!!!! you are very crazy girl yes very crazy and a liar!!! i hate you girl!! but i love you because it's a good chapitre!! but i hate you!! I am make have like an animal!! oh it isn't nice!!so, i love this fic and you know! i hope that ryo will say to him who he is really. kaori was very sad end the end of chapitre, i understand him! i want you killed mojca because you are sadist with us!! i'm disappointed snif; lol but i love you mojca and your fics! voila, ecris vite la suite car tu coupe ton chapitre quand ça deviens très interessant. love...



Total: 102 - Pagine : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11





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