Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated G - Prose


Author(s): therry

Translator(s): oceane28

Status: Completed

Series: City Hunter


Total: 1 chapter

Published: 07-05-06

Last update: 07-05-06


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Summary: Ryô débarque au Etats Unis et il découvre un nouveau monde que la guerre.


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City (Country): Ot5n8K6c5M (Btnrzx87vso)


Review: Oi depois de um tempo afastada por causa da facul consegui voltar…eheheh amei a sua frase “estou lendo porque quero”ehehehe eu também vou entrar nessa agora…Sobre o the house of night acabei de comprar os outros e vou começar a ler o segundo espero gostar. BjksRaquel MachadoLeitura Kriativa[]garotaquele Reply:December 14th, 2010 at 10:28 amOi Raquel :D Po, tenta ler HoN sim, o #2 não é o melhor deles, mas a partir daí o treco pega fogo :D[]



City (Country): Kgs5SltcIa (Anwesi0i)


Review: ecl, I was going to say exactly the same thing. Amazing how people here are saying how wonderful it is that Matt considers her his daughter, when Gisele gets demonized for saying the same thing (never mind that English is not her first language and people never seem to account for that).



City (Country): HC2AzJfp911 (Clvjc7lhj)


Review: 13 décembre 2010 J’ai été tenté un moment par la BlackRapid, mais j’ai finalement pris le même système chez Phottix pour seulement 35 EUR, le système d’attache est plus volumineux mais permet de fixer le mousqueton ou on désire sous le boitier, et pas forcément au niveau du pas de vis.Coté podcast, je pense que tu as atteins ton rythme de croisière pour ce qui est de la parole (débit, élocution) et le regard bien destiné au spectateur. Par contre, la qualité de la vidéo est en retrait par rapport au dernier, avec une balance des blancs plutôt… jaune



City (Country): RtRtP7YiwV (Gr9f5mwonog)


Review: The first issue is that the mom was a distracted driver; unaware of what her brood was doing with too many children to pay attention. When you don't know what every single person in your car is doing you have too many passengers.Shooting at road signs is vandalism, with the cost of repair coming out of taxes.Dents caused to other vehicles cause higher insurance rates…because it doesn't come out of little Johnny's allowance.Would this woman want things pointed at her while driving? Or would she have even noticed?



City (Country): IiD7WuRt3S (373qhopfcu)


Review: are. In the simplest terms, when I bought my domain and hosting service, I was writing my first post within minutes. Once I was live, all I had to worry about was making my site look good by playing



City (Country): TnWmoRycI (Evvmwwbahj)


Review: Isn’t there a limit to how long you can store water like that? I seem to remember reading somewhere or someone telling me that you have to refresh the water every so often. Can you confirm this? If so, how often does it need to be done.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)


Average car insurance per month costEmailURL

City (Country): 8h8stkWPhwi (Lvpkej7t3pib)


Review: Darrell, many thanks for your response. It’s great to hear from a fellow writer.Sometimes you can be criticised for being ‘old school’, but sometimes it is just right.Substance is critical because women see through us a lot faster than you think, often before we do. They know who we are inside.



City (Country): WdzAtbVOvvM (Fqjd2utqgj)


Review: Ne ho visti parecchi di filmati e mi hanno sempre convinto perchè a parlare è la gente semplice ed esperti del settore e non politici o giornalisti.Un po' come credere ai blog. Se spari cavolate ti beccano subito.CiaoGianluca



City (Country): XePzneeyML (Ftvpmqxemq)


Review: She is so fucking anal and obsessive. I mean, I check her blog occasionally for the crazy, but sometimes it’s just too much. She posts WEEKLY bump updates with every single aspect of her pregnancy, down to the pound per week weight gain.Also, she totally hates being “fat” because she is not posting the same amount of pictures. Anyone else notice how she’s only posting old photos these days?



City (Country): QagLJzIX (Vxahfsm4ajz)


Review: Très jolie page! Effectivement, le papier de fond se marie bien avec le reste!Les trais sur les papiers, c'est avec les feutres American Crafts?Super réalisation! Et très joli titre ;o)BisousBéné



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