Hojo Fan City




Data File

Rated G - Prose


Author(s): therry

Translator(s): oceane28

Status: Completed

Series: City Hunter


Total: 1 chapter

Published: 07-05-06

Last update: 07-05-06


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Summary: Ryô débarque au Etats Unis et il découvre un nouveau monde que la guerre.


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   Reviews :: perdu



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City (Country): 04pf4H9EGz (Yb27ak969y)


Review: gostei muito das dicas vai uma que brinco sempre com as amigas da 3ª idade: Faça várias perguntas com respostas e entregue para os presentes (1 pergunta para uma pessoa e1 resposta para outra pessoa) aliatóriamente .ex:1- Pergunta=Eu sou um jardim sem flor…1-resposta=Eu sou a flor do seu jardim 2-Pergunta=eu sou uma feijoadasem rabo…2-Resposta=Eu sou o rabo da sua feijoada. e assim sucessivamente. as perguntas e respostas vc/ faz de acordo com o público alvo .entendeu?


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City (Country): MYJ4BGWyYgg (Dqnhnbtabgh)


Review: I just downloaded this app- it only took about ten seconds! I LOVE making packing lists for my Disney trips, so this is actually one of my favorite features of the app. I don't have children yet, but I think the Park Age Appropriate List is also a great idea! (Especially for those who may be unfamiliar with the Parks.)



City (Country): XQHCfgUQp4 (2dmfdddmhib)


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City (Country): NYYQYf4b0f (Zyp7pk0uds)


Review: I do surfboard designs and was wondering if I sent you guys a picture of a surfboard that I had drawn on, if you guys could copy that mural that I did would you be laminating it onto the foam or would it be on the outside of the board?


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City (Country): IZ8hY3oD1 (Zkm84fh2sor)


Review: Une realité malheureusement commune dans de nombreux pays ! A force d’exiger de faire du chiffre, on finit par bacler son travail.Que penser de celui qui a recruté cette jeune fille, au visage plutot agreable ? Sur quels critères l’a-t-il embauchée en realité ? Il n’a même pas verifié ses diplomes ? verifié ses papiers avec ses derniers employeurs ? A mes yeux, il a une grande part de responsabilité !Mon avis : les mensonges finissent toujours par être dévoilés !Marie51


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City (Country): NfAIVeWp (Evullu26rh)


Review: Sain tän kirjan nyt vihdoin luettua ja meinasin myös jättää ekaks kesken, koska alku oli niin pitkäveteinen. Loppua kohti onneks parani huomattavasti ja välillä oli sellasia kohtia, että ei pystyny lopettaan lukemista. Mutta silti olisin ehkä kaivannut kirjaan vielä jotain, tosin en oikein tiedä mitä. :D Tykkäsin, mutta ei tää musta maailman paras kirja ollu, niin kuin jotkut on mulle sanonu. Mutta aion kyllä loputkin sarjan osat myös lukea.



City (Country): OJKnlUODC (Fdfmlcnm)


Review: my grade 5 teacher was similar to your teacher, made me think. i’ve rarely watched any of those reality shows, i don’t understand the fascination with them. our government is currently deporting a large group of illegals that are here from portugal, some have been here for many years, filed claims for refugee status, all of the claims denied. they never thought to enter the country legally. at least that’s what the newspapers are reporting, if they can be believed. who really knows anymore?


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City (Country): XJ0Th5VGqiQ (Xmscvwz65ny)


Review: It seems like you are an early adopter.I hate hyperbole, but Workflowy was a great leap forward for organizing my chaotic life and brain.Do you still use it?[] Reply:February 19th, 2012 at 10:43 amI do still use WorkFlowy here and there — mainly for brainstorming. I use ToDoist for maintaining task lists :)[]



City (Country): XzaC9HYsj2 (J7saoq54e7zj)


Review: He dropped out of an ASTRO PHYSICS PhD program because he was against making nuclear weapons. How are those two things even related? Stierle drooped out in 2008 because he was failing his classes. Let’s call it like it is.



City (Country): KCO8Gxjc65v (9a6e5o4fe)


Review: Ich denke reine Let’s plays gehen noch in eine andere Richtung. Text Content wird oft unterschätzt :) Ich lese für meinen Teil z.B. gerne Blogs wenn ich unterwegs bin auf meinem Tablet. Videos sind da noch ein stück unpraktischer.



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